I might want my band out
So sorry you are having all these problems but there are alot of people in the same boat. It seems like 2-3 years is the critical time when things start rearing their ugly heads with the band. Get your band emptied as soon as possible so you can get some fluids in. You may even have to get fluids by IV to get you started. We are finding that the band seems to tighten over time also so what was loose a year ago may be way too tight now. I'm very glad you are getting in so soon, they must also feel it is an urgent situation. If it gets worse over the weekend go to the ER and at least get some fluids via IV dehydration can be very dangerous. I wish you luck but I think your banded time is about up.
Ugh...so sorry to hear of the problems with your band. I understand want you mean about standing over the sink...I remember with my band, I would know when something was not going to stay down and I would just pray the vomiting would hurry up and get over with already because it would be so painful and it was such a relief to get that stuff out of the pouch.
No one gets to have their bands out unless there is something wrong with it (unless they just have loads of cash to plunk down to fund a surgery).
I think you need a complete unfill as soon as possible. Not being able to keep liquids down is dangerous. Dehydration along with vomiting is nothing to play with...you may even need to get to an ER to get some IV fluids.
Thank God your doctor realized the seriousness of your situation and got you in so quickly. I hope he has some answers for you on Monday and that a complete unfill will at least help you get some liquids and food in until you can get some answers regarding the removal.
Hang in there and keep us updated,
No one gets to have their bands out unless there is something wrong with it (unless they just have loads of cash to plunk down to fund a surgery).
I think you need a complete unfill as soon as possible. Not being able to keep liquids down is dangerous. Dehydration along with vomiting is nothing to play with...you may even need to get to an ER to get some IV fluids.
Thank God your doctor realized the seriousness of your situation and got you in so quickly. I hope he has some answers for you on Monday and that a complete unfill will at least help you get some liquids and food in until you can get some answers regarding the removal.
Hang in there and keep us updated,
Hi Lesley,
As a fellow chronic sinus sufferer, I have to ask if you've tried the steroid nasal sprays at all? I find that they help at least a little, but I don't have a band anymore, either.
I can totally understand what you're talking about. Certain physical maladies really take their toll!
I bet when you get some sleep, the swelling in the tissues of your stomach lessen. It's normal for sleep to be restorative. I think having an unfill will probably help you a lot.
I think you should definitely consider band removal, but I'm one of the "band bashers" you might have read about today.
It's just really unnatural to have the silastic band pressing against an internal organ that is in such constant motion as the stomach. And when you're having severe sinus problems in conjunction, you'll almost always have swelling and irritation there, too. It's unfortunate. And having gone through similar, I know how frustrating it can be.
Good luck. I hope you feel better soon and get some answers from your doc, too.
As a fellow chronic sinus sufferer, I have to ask if you've tried the steroid nasal sprays at all? I find that they help at least a little, but I don't have a band anymore, either.
I can totally understand what you're talking about. Certain physical maladies really take their toll!
I bet when you get some sleep, the swelling in the tissues of your stomach lessen. It's normal for sleep to be restorative. I think having an unfill will probably help you a lot.
I think you should definitely consider band removal, but I'm one of the "band bashers" you might have read about today.

Good luck. I hope you feel better soon and get some answers from your doc, too.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI