XPOST: B*TCHFest: my public service to you

"B*TCHFest" is provided as a public service to those of us who have gripes and grievances but who (whom?), for whatever reason, lack a regular forum in which to air them. You are welcome to voice any problems - large or small, important, mundane or ridiculous - that currently have your panties wadded, your shorts frosted and your gears ground. Don't hold them in and risk future medical issues, wrinkles and/or those pesky gray hairs.
ANY and ALL issues that are plaguing you are open for you to voice; there are no "sacred cows." They say that "feelings aren't facts", so if you're feeling it, it's legit to you. NO ONE is allowed to flame a poster for something he or she writes, however commiseration is not only welcomed but encouraged. Please, no personal attacks against other OH members (at least, not by name) and ABSOLUTELY NO SURGERY WARS!
I'll start you off with a few gripes of mine, and you all can join in at any time! No limits - come back as many times as you like!
WARNING! Adult content ahead! Posts may (and probably will) contain "adult" content and language. I know that MINE will. Rated TV-MA.

I have to get some **** off my chest. Join me, won't you?
- Dear dogs: I love you to death, but can you PLEEZ stop barking at NOTHING??!!
- It's only the middle of November and I already hate Christmas. Why are we being forced to hear Christmas music in every store, Christmas-themed ads on TV, blah blah blah. ****! I can hear one running right now on the TV in the other room. I like Christmas. I like Christmas music. I like shopping and wrapping and decorating a tree - AFTER THANKSGIVING! Hell, I'm even Secret Santa's Little Helper on the LB Board. But it's getting earlier and earlier every year that advertisers and merchandisers ram the holidays down our throats. Stop it.
- Who the **** ever gives or gets a new Mercedes or Lexus for Christmas, anyway?? What bull**** (NB: if any one of you *****es ever have, don't tell me. I'll slap on an adult diaper, drive all night to your house and key that ******

- Missing my DH. He just went back to work, and he's working days (8:30 to 5.) I'm freelancing nights (5p to 11p or 1a.) Yes, working is nice. Having SOME money coming in is terrific. But I never see the guy. A couple of minutes in the morning, and he's in bed sleeping when I get home.
- Exhausted, too. I get home around 1 (or later.) Try to get to sleep as quickly as I can. Doesn't usually happen for another hour to two. Up at 6 to walk and feed the dogs with him (we have 4) and then take him to the train. Crawl back into bed when I get back to try like hell to get more sleep. Crabby, cranky, tired, having a hard time focusing. And I'm certainly not focusing on my weight loss and eating right.
- That long period between when you work and when you get paid. I have $13 in one checking account and $73 in the other, and don't get paid until Friday. What the hell was wrong with paying people EVERY week? Was it really that costly to employers?
- $787 a month for health insurance that doesn't seem to cover a hell of a lot. In August, I went to a walk-in clinic because I got bitten by a Rottweiler (big, deep bite, bled like hell). Had to have 2 followup appointments with them to make sure wound was healing right and not getting infected. Covered? Nope. Just got a $600 bill from the clinic **** If I had gone to the ER and incurred thousands of dollars, they probably would have covered it.
- People who just had surgery a week ago and are *****ing that they're not losing weight fast enough. I feel for you - I know we all want instant results, but life ain't like that. Let your body ******g HEAL, and then see if the magic happens.
- People who can't even SPELL the name of the surgery they had. Really? THAT'S your research?
- People who use "textspeak" in their posts. I'm sorry, if you want me to read your post, you're going to have to come closer to English than "Cn NEone hlp me????" And turn off your caps. And stop typing in the smallest font available, and in PINK. It's almost impossible to read. If I have to work that hard to figure out what the hell your problem is, I'm just not going to bothering trying to help you.
**** I'm in a bad mood. Maybe it's time to take my $13 out for some retail therapy. Your turn. Have at it! ***** away, *****ers!!!
My gripe today is the well meaning inlaws....stop with the omg you were so fat and now look at you. Yes I was big, I had issues that needed fixing, but flippen a** peeps I still have feelings....damn docs going on vacation everyother month, Ima h***er why the heck cant you even see me? Lovely kids, cant they see this year is lighter on candy? No homemade fudge,cookies, and cakes everyo other day just because you are snacky. Gas prices, make up my mind...up or down once a week maybe but every day this week is b******t.....vent over for now
Here is my *****
I am so aggravated that I have lost 140lbs and am STILL fat...
I am aggravated that my BFF has been blowing me off lately......
I want a baby......I am tired of wondering if/when its ever going to happen......
I am tired of my hubby working away from home and me being alone....
I hate my new job that I stared 2 months ago...............
I am so aggravated that I have lost 140lbs and am STILL fat...
I am aggravated that my BFF has been blowing me off lately......
I want a baby......I am tired of wondering if/when its ever going to happen......
I am tired of my hubby working away from home and me being alone....
I hate my new job that I stared 2 months ago...............
VSG on 08/28/17
I'm not looking forward to holidays this year because it is the first one's without my father who passed away earlier this year. So, what bugs me is that radio stations in the L.A. area are already having continuous airplay of Christmas music. Give me a break, it's not even Thanksgiving yet.
We're going over to my sister-in-law's house for Thanksgiving. We're bringing the green beans and my mother-in-law is bringing the scalloped potatoes. UGH! for Thanksgiving? What about mashed potatoes and gravy? Isn't that traditional at Thanksgiving? I'm not going to be eating any of her tasteless scalloped potatoes because they are so bland and also because I can't get scalloped potatoes past the band.
Thanks for letting me *****!
We're going over to my sister-in-law's house for Thanksgiving. We're bringing the green beans and my mother-in-law is bringing the scalloped potatoes. UGH! for Thanksgiving? What about mashed potatoes and gravy? Isn't that traditional at Thanksgiving? I'm not going to be eating any of her tasteless scalloped potatoes because they are so bland and also because I can't get scalloped potatoes past the band.
Thanks for letting me *****!
My *****es...
-How can I have water coming into my basement with the rain so much so I have the sump pump on (again) but our well is having "issues"?!? ...I mean seriously WTF?!?..water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. GRRR
-the damage we incurred from the flooding over the freak snow storm...not covered by our homeowners. It's from ground water, not covered. So let me get this straight I have lived in the house and paid homeowners insurance faithfully, the first claim I make when I could use it...nope, not covered. PISSED.
-my dh wants to go to his sisters for tgiving. Fine. She lives in Jersey which means 3 ******g hours in the car turkey day minimum. Fine. SO what does he do ask my hoarding BIL and SIL if they had a ride to jersey. WHY?!?! Are 3 fighting bored teens not enough? Do we have to listen to my BIL tell the same jokes and stories we've heard forever while my SIL complains and *****es about everything. So I told my dh if he offers them a ride, I'm not going...I'll go to work instead (I love my coworkers and I'm sure someone would want the day off...and the potluck is fabulous..probably better than what they'll be eating in Jersey)
I feel better already :)
-How can I have water coming into my basement with the rain so much so I have the sump pump on (again) but our well is having "issues"?!? ...I mean seriously WTF?!?..water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. GRRR
-the damage we incurred from the flooding over the freak snow storm...not covered by our homeowners. It's from ground water, not covered. So let me get this straight I have lived in the house and paid homeowners insurance faithfully, the first claim I make when I could use it...nope, not covered. PISSED.
-my dh wants to go to his sisters for tgiving. Fine. She lives in Jersey which means 3 ******g hours in the car turkey day minimum. Fine. SO what does he do ask my hoarding BIL and SIL if they had a ride to jersey. WHY?!?! Are 3 fighting bored teens not enough? Do we have to listen to my BIL tell the same jokes and stories we've heard forever while my SIL complains and *****es about everything. So I told my dh if he offers them a ride, I'm not going...I'll go to work instead (I love my coworkers and I'm sure someone would want the day off...and the potluck is fabulous..probably better than what they'll be eating in Jersey)
I feel better already :)
I hate my old employeer for terminating me because I had to go back on disability
I hate not working and people telling me to take this time to relax, but I cant relax because Im out of work and have NO money coming in.
I hate having so many things wrong with me health wise and the only way I can get better is to see specialists... which I cant see because stupid cigna/cobra wont cover me for some secret meaning.
I hate the rut I'm in and having to depend on my parents to help me financially at 30 yrs old...
I just want to get better to go on with this new life that I wanted to badly after surgery but cant dig myself out of this hole!
Hate when you have $8 in your bank acct but can not take it out becuase atms are only $20 withdrawls.... grrrrr!
OH and HATE credit card companies who call 75 times a day expecting you to pull money out of your ***.... if I had it I would pay you...now stop calling until 9:30pm.
WHEW.... first b*tfest.... THANK YOU!!!!! Does feel better to just have verbal spillage LOL
I hate not working and people telling me to take this time to relax, but I cant relax because Im out of work and have NO money coming in.
I hate having so many things wrong with me health wise and the only way I can get better is to see specialists... which I cant see because stupid cigna/cobra wont cover me for some secret meaning.
I hate the rut I'm in and having to depend on my parents to help me financially at 30 yrs old...
I just want to get better to go on with this new life that I wanted to badly after surgery but cant dig myself out of this hole!
Hate when you have $8 in your bank acct but can not take it out becuase atms are only $20 withdrawls.... grrrrr!
OH and HATE credit card companies who call 75 times a day expecting you to pull money out of your ***.... if I had it I would pay you...now stop calling until 9:30pm.
WHEW.... first b*tfest.... THANK YOU!!!!! Does feel better to just have verbal spillage LOL
I hate that my fiance and I are split up. I think if we both pull our heads out of our assess and talk we will get it worked out. So for now I have the master bedroom and the dogs.
Now the stress of it all is giving me major reflux. I vomited my dinner. Prilosec is taking its damn time. Dr office said give the prilosec a couple days and if its not better head to the we as the docs are out for the week.
On the bright side I have lost about 10lbs this week.
Now the stress of it all is giving me major reflux. I vomited my dinner. Prilosec is taking its damn time. Dr office said give the prilosec a couple days and if its not better head to the we as the docs are out for the week.
On the bright side I have lost about 10lbs this week.