lap-band issues when running
I had my Lap-band placed back in June 2009, its 2011 now and I joined an indoor soccer team and I have noticed that when I run really fast for the ball, I feel out of breath a little, but the thing is that its not my lungs, it feels more like in my band area...It eventually goes away, but I am curious to see if anyone has gone through something like this? any input you can offer will be greatly appreciated.. Thank you!
Hey, I see you have Dr. Galvani. He was part of the practice that saved my butt. He was one of Dr. Horgan's fellows and tried to help me many times. I miss him!
I know, I am going to sound like a broken record, but I'm telling you, anyway. It's the diaphragm. The band affects the diaphragm SO much. And when you run, your diaphragm is a key component in breathing (and while you're NOT running, too, of course!)

The band affects the diaphragm. The diaphragm regulates breathing. Running causes heavier breathing. It can cause discomfort in the abdomen, the lungs, the shoulder.
That's my guess, anyway.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Simply being banded should not cause problems with breathing but th band is very close to the diaphragm. That's why we often get gas pains post-op, why many get hiccoughs ( sorry crazy uk spelling). These ar normally short term issues. But more seriously the proximity can explain why surgeonss like the one n.m. had can damage the diaphragm during surgery and some people can get pain which needs medical or surgical intervention.
If you feel that this breathlessness is somehting which feels " wrong" , get it checked out.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Hi Kate,
Thank you for you reply as well! Nothing too alarming, since I'm able to recover....I just sound horrible trying to gasp for! And it blows when I'm trying to finish up a race and have to be forced to stop right before ending....grrr! :) No worries on the spelling. My spanish gets in my way at! I noticed you've purposefully gained some weight back... I've had to as well, my family thought I looked too "skinny" even at 140. My lowest was 127lb, but comfortable I'm comfortable at 140-150 lbs currently at 163 lbs at 5'1" since I also dropped an inch in! Highest if you want to count that I was pregnant was 269lbs. Banded 2 wks pre-opt 246. I mention all this because its good to see that I'm not alone in this :)
Nic M,
Thank you for taking the time to reply and for the visuals. I did have my procedure by Dr. Galvani, unfortunately, he moved out of state, but I loved him!!! Since my post, I started running races & 2 half-marathons, and definitely still have the breathing issue which my new doctor confirmed exactly what you mentioned. I think that's the only part that has sucked for me is the issue with the breathing. I try running through it but sometimes I have to stop. Its a no bueno when I'm almost finishing up my races and I have to stop...But, I guess it a small price to pay for the benefits the Lap-Band has brought me! :)
You're welcome. Dr. Galvani talked about moving somewhere warm back in 2003 so I knew he wouldn't last long in Chicago! Did you know Dr. Horgan when he was training Dr. Galvani, by any chance? And Dr. Baptista? Let's see, Dr. Horgan moved to California and Baptista moved to Florida!
One thing that it important to consider when the diaphragm is involved is that it can really get damaged and it takes a long dang time for it to heal. I still have problems 8+ years after band removal. Don't ignore complications. Your health can really be affected quite adversely.
Wishing you the best. Hope you're staying warm if you're still in the Chicago area!
ps. I changed my name for the new year. Fart blossom... that's me.
Hi Fart blossom....why the name change? lol Unfortunately, I didn't have the privilege to meet the Dr's you mentioned. The diaphragm issues doesn't happen with every run, thankfully! But, I'll remain vigilant....scary stuff....
I was born and raised in Chicago....I don't think I'm going anywhere...this is home :) But that Artic blast is no joke I tell ya! lol
My grandma used to say, "Oh, you little fart blossom!" That was the extent of her "swearing."
I love Chicago... haven't been there in a year or so. I moved out of the midwest last year. But I sure do feel for you kids up there freezing your tushies off. Those temperatures are brutal! The kind that suck the air right out of your lungs!
Hopefully it'll warm up soon. I think everyone needs a break.
Take care. Glad to hear the issues don't happen all that often. Just be aware and careful.