things I used to do.... And you??
Good Question..
1. On spaghetti nights I would sometimes buy 2 hot French Bread rolls from the bakery and eat one driving home . Now that would mean death with my band- ouchy
2. I never ate more than a small serving in company because " I was always on a diet" at home I ate until it was all gone.
3. Continue eating my Salt and Vinegar ( large Bag) of chips even though the top coating of my tongue was gone from all the salt.
4. Buying Candy in bulk thinking I could just take few at a time. They never lasted until the end of the day.
5. Yes I ate 3/4 packet of the bickies and then thought I better finish them and throw away the evidence so nobody thinks I am a greedy piglet
6. My most shameful habit was as follows.
My oldest son has always and still is (at 24) strictly a savory eater. I would buy him and the other 2 kids chocolate Easter eggs. Every Easter he would look at me with a rolled eye expression. He would take the eggs ( and there would always be a lot from us, and extended family) into his room and put them on the top of his dresser. I would sneak into his room over the following couple of days and eat the eggs. One day he said to me. "Mum why don't you just buy the eggs for your self and don't worry about getting me anything" In my mind I thought if I buy them for him but eat them I am not really being a pig.
Now that he has left home and is in the Navy I have stopped buying him chocolate. He told me that his last birthday the civilian ladies that he works with asked him what type of birthday cake he wanted. He told them he does not like sweets. He does not like chocolate, cake or ice cream. The day of his birthday the ladies surprised him with a CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM CAKE. I am glad I am not the only one.
1. On spaghetti nights I would sometimes buy 2 hot French Bread rolls from the bakery and eat one driving home . Now that would mean death with my band- ouchy
2. I never ate more than a small serving in company because " I was always on a diet" at home I ate until it was all gone.
3. Continue eating my Salt and Vinegar ( large Bag) of chips even though the top coating of my tongue was gone from all the salt.
4. Buying Candy in bulk thinking I could just take few at a time. They never lasted until the end of the day.
5. Yes I ate 3/4 packet of the bickies and then thought I better finish them and throw away the evidence so nobody thinks I am a greedy piglet
6. My most shameful habit was as follows.
My oldest son has always and still is (at 24) strictly a savory eater. I would buy him and the other 2 kids chocolate Easter eggs. Every Easter he would look at me with a rolled eye expression. He would take the eggs ( and there would always be a lot from us, and extended family) into his room and put them on the top of his dresser. I would sneak into his room over the following couple of days and eat the eggs. One day he said to me. "Mum why don't you just buy the eggs for your self and don't worry about getting me anything" In my mind I thought if I buy them for him but eat them I am not really being a pig.
Now that he has left home and is in the Navy I have stopped buying him chocolate. He told me that his last birthday the civilian ladies that he works with asked him what type of birthday cake he wanted. He told them he does not like sweets. He does not like chocolate, cake or ice cream. The day of his birthday the ladies surprised him with a CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM CAKE. I am glad I am not the only one.
While cooking a meal, pick so much at the food that I had to cook another batch or there wouldn't be enough for the meal. YES
After a large meal, eat the left overs while in the kitchen clearing up ( feeling sick from overeating already) YES
Open a packet of biscuits (cookies to you!), eat so many that I was embarrassed and so would finish the whole packet to hide the evidence. YES
Eat something from the cupboard and then express amazement because it was no longer there! Say I must have thrown it away by accident YES
Eat even when feeling bloated and queasy! YES
While making a batch of cookies or brownies, I'd eat half of the raw dough and most of the baked cookies while they were still warm. "I don't know where the cookies are, honey. One of the dogs must have got at them."
In an effort to stop an eating binge, I'd throw all the food in the garbage...then go back and retrieve it and eat it anyway.
In an effort to prevent an eating binge, pour Ajax scouring powder on the food.
Wow, those were the bad, bad old days!
After a large meal, eat the left overs while in the kitchen clearing up ( feeling sick from overeating already) YES
Open a packet of biscuits (cookies to you!), eat so many that I was embarrassed and so would finish the whole packet to hide the evidence. YES
Eat something from the cupboard and then express amazement because it was no longer there! Say I must have thrown it away by accident YES
Eat even when feeling bloated and queasy! YES
While making a batch of cookies or brownies, I'd eat half of the raw dough and most of the baked cookies while they were still warm. "I don't know where the cookies are, honey. One of the dogs must have got at them."
In an effort to stop an eating binge, I'd throw all the food in the garbage...then go back and retrieve it and eat it anyway.
In an effort to prevent an eating binge, pour Ajax scouring powder on the food.
Wow, those were the bad, bad old days!
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at:
OK this explains why the band failed me! I can honestly say I didn't do those types of things, not saying I'm Miss Holier than thou but I really didn't. All my weight gain came from when my lungs went bad and I couldn't exercise anymore. I used to ride the stationary bike for 1-2 hours and workout on the Bowflex for 30-45 min 6 days a week! I ate 3 regular sized meals a day. My one down fall was I did like my beer but quit it altogether a few years ago so the band was bound to fail for me. I tried and tried to tell the docs that and none of them would listen, they were sure I sat around eating chocolates and watching soaps all day. See if I'd known that the band is basically for volume eaters I could have held out for RNY. But then again my surgeon wouldn't do that because of my clotting disorder. Oh well this too shall pass.
Hislady, yes! I can see why it was the wrong surgery for you.
I posted this on a UK board and people there were even more extreme eaters than many on here. And no-one was prepared to volume eat openly, everyone hid it!
I posted this on a UK board and people there were even more extreme eaters than many on here. And no-one was prepared to volume eat openly, everyone hid it!
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Aw, I feel so bad for you! Of course it failed if you never were a volume eater to begin with. I always have eaten very "healthy" but was just never full or satisfied. Yes, I did binge a bit on sweets but not nearly to the extent many people do. So the band worked like magic for me. All of a sudden I can eat "healthy" and actually be full. I guess it doesn't help to wish the past were different but I'm really sorry it didn't work out for you to get the surgery that would have benefited you more. I hope everything will turn out for the best in the end.
I use to do all those thing also..
Additionally, I use to,
- Make excuses so I wouldn't have to go to social gatherings.
- Make sure I ate well before going to social gatherings so I could control my eating while I was there.
- Pretend I didn't see someone I knew from my past.
- Only go to the drive thru because I didn't want the judgement of people in the restaurant.
- Always make a big joke if my size caused an issue to cover my embarrassment. Example- I can't fit in that booth, amusement ride, etc.
- Make jokes about being "big sexy" when I felt the complete opposite.
Now I,
- Lost 100 lbs
- Go out, dance, laugh and pose for full length pictures.
- Eat well at social gatherings
- Call out to people I see from my past
- Plan for and make my breakfast, lunch & dinner almost every day.
- Don't eat fast food except for occasional Chik Fil A nuggets.
- Am not scared to go places or try new things, and I don't feel like I have to make fat jokes because I'm close to normal human size and I fit in almost all average size places.
- Feel better about myself though not sexy very often.
- Still sometimes joke about my sexiness.
- Am a work in progress and doing this thing day by day.
- Feel grateful for the support I give to/get from my wls family.
- Am premenstrul- right now..
Additionally, I use to,
- Make excuses so I wouldn't have to go to social gatherings.
- Make sure I ate well before going to social gatherings so I could control my eating while I was there.
- Pretend I didn't see someone I knew from my past.
- Only go to the drive thru because I didn't want the judgement of people in the restaurant.
- Always make a big joke if my size caused an issue to cover my embarrassment. Example- I can't fit in that booth, amusement ride, etc.
- Make jokes about being "big sexy" when I felt the complete opposite.
Now I,
- Lost 100 lbs
- Go out, dance, laugh and pose for full length pictures.
- Eat well at social gatherings
- Call out to people I see from my past
- Plan for and make my breakfast, lunch & dinner almost every day.
- Don't eat fast food except for occasional Chik Fil A nuggets.
- Am not scared to go places or try new things, and I don't feel like I have to make fat jokes because I'm close to normal human size and I fit in almost all average size places.
- Feel better about myself though not sexy very often.
- Still sometimes joke about my sexiness.
- Am a work in progress and doing this thing day by day.
- Feel grateful for the support I give to/get from my wls family.
- Am premenstrul- right now..