Holiday Card Exchange
If you would like to participate in the Holiday Card Exchange please pm me your name and address. I ask that you please have your name and address to me by December 3rd. I will compile the list and have it sent to you no later than the following Monday. This will allow ample amount of time for those that do not live in the US.
Thank you all in advance & Happy Holidays
Thank you all in advance & Happy Holidays

Thank all you sweet ladies for promptly getting your address in
Would you all like me to make 2 seperate list and one group sends to the other? Or would you like the complete list and you can send to everyone? Personally I will be sending everyone one. But I would like yalls opinion on which you would prefer.

yall got it no there has not been a huge amount of people that has signed up that is why I thought about sending to everyone even if more do sign up cards are pretty inexpensive. Yall have to excuse the grammer, incomplete sentences ect that I make in my posts I have ADHD and my brain thinks quicker and than my hands type. I am a hot mess lol
Hope that yall have a great day
Hope that yall have a great day