Looking for Real Examples - Not just hope
I'm almost ashamed to go back and ask bc my surgeon knows the gym time and discipline I used to get 120+ off that 1st year but dang if isn't killing me to keep it off. When I had restriction, I was just puking my brains out for about 2 months. They took out 2 cc and I let myself wait a good 2 mths and I have 2 cc's back in again but alas....nothing....the band is silent...I wonder if I stretched something.
I can't have a slip because I'm not sick; however, I do feel like the band is resting alot higher up than it did before. I look at my peers who got the GOP and have lost what I did without one day in the gym and its soooo discouraging. I know that every WLS's weight loss tapers off eventually but it must be nice to lose that much without even trying.
This has been the biggest fight of my life and I'm just getting so tired but I'm still in the ring so I guess that's all that matters. Getting back to the surgeon, he never wanted me to have the band in the 1st place bc he felt like I wouldn't be successful w/ my initial weight being 305 but I proved him wrong and got down to around 175 but now I'm back at 200. I really thought I'd be at 150 by now.
Never be ashamed to go back to the Dr.! And if you have a Dr. that makes you feel that way it's time to find a different Dr.!!!
When you were puking you were too tight. There is suppose to be an inbetween point where you have adequate restriction, without being too tight and puking. Unfortunately it doesn't happen to some of us.
I know some keep a band too tight b/c they are losing then, and I fully understand why they would do it. When I finally got to the point that the band actually limited what I ate, it was nice losing, but I was throwing up. Since it had taken me about a full year to have any type of "restriction" I was very tempted to leave my band like that even though it was making me sick. Had I not heard so many stories about how keeping the band too tight can cause slips I might have kept it too tight just so I could lose.
That being said...........nowhere in the Lap-Band's advertisements do they advertise that it is possible that you will not lose weight from the band unless it is so tight that it causes reflux/puking. If that is the case fine. They just need to be HONEST with their advertisements so we could have made an informed decision about the band!!!