Looking for Real Examples - Not just hope
on 11/2/11 11:50 am
Here is the question -- Anyone finally made it work a few years down the road and lost all their weight using the band?
on 11/2/11 11:13 pm
At least you are not having any complications with your band, also I have a few friends that got RNY when I got mine, sure they lost quicker, but now at nearly 7 years, they have regained some weight a few have gained most of all their weight back, and their tool no longer works, plus they have several hospitalizations of obstructions under their belt and they can no longer enjoy occasional sweets without horrible consequences, to me that is no way to live, it's more like being handicapped for life.
At least the band allows you to enjoy occasional sweets and your favorite foods as long as you are properly restricted. Now that being said, sometimes trying to find the sweet spot with the band can be very aggravating especially if you have a surgeon that does not take the time to fill you properly. Getting to the sweet spot can sometimes be a daunting task, and sometimes it takes some tweaking to do.
I am not sure where you are at right now with restriction, but if you near your sweet spot, I would suggest that you advocate for your self and talk to your surgeon and ask about dynamic fills where you slightly stand , this approach allows the surgeon to better gage your sweet spot, also, you may want to ask your surgeon for the tiniest fills in increments where you can slowly sneak up on on sweet spot, if he/she is not willing to do this, you may want to seek out another surgeon ideally one that only does bands.
If you get to the sweet spot, then it is up to you to do YOUR PART, if you find that you have more head hunger, you may want to seek counseling, or get other diet help like pills, yes, some people use diet pills in conjunction with their bands to help them lose the weight and focus, and also going back to the basic of what helped you lose the weight, like starting your morning off with protein drinks, most bandsters are tighter in the mornings and lunch so you may want to take advantage of this and drink protein drinks for at least two of your meals and then at night eat a lean protein and veggie, if you were to choose RNY, their diets are way more strict than the band, but it is by force, they will get sick if they go off track with carbs or sweets, but again, you can get other methods like I stated above to help you when you get weak.
Also, make sure you get enough water -- 8 glasses per day, and start walking or going to the gym, if you do those things the weight will come off.
Good luck
You and I were banded the same year. I can totally understand how easy it is to have gained back the weight. I have managed to maintain my WL within 10 lbs for the last 2 years but have struggled with sweets and junk food. I go to therapy to deal with why I turn to food for everything. I'm not cured by any means, but therapy has been really good for me and it helps understand a lot of the behaviors that got me to 330 lbs at my highest. You might want to consider this before you resort to the extreme.
However, if sweets are your downfall RNY might be the right surgery choice for you. Dumping sydrome could keep you from turning to sweets and the malabsorbtive proceedures will help with faster loss. Just make sure you are up for everything else that comes with that surgery, ie a lifetime commitment to a serious vitamin regemine, dealing with dumping syndrome and the overall risk of the surgery itself. It's absolutely the right choice for many, just make sure you're up for it.
The Revision Board here on OH will also give you plenty of feedback.
I wish you the best of luck in your decision.
Lisa O.
on 11/3/11 4:46 am
Thank you.
You said u never got back to the right spot. The band fails a LOT of ppl. If you don't have restriction then it is just like trying to lose weight WITHOUT WLS! Without any help from a "tool" most ppl get frustrated and go back to old habits. I am finding it much more difficult to stick to my diet.
Do yourself a favor and don't waste anymore time or money on the band and revise while you can!!!

I know exactly how you fee. My band has been completely useless! I get so frustrated when I complain about my band and the band cheerleaders start with that "it's just a tool!". The band is a tool for SOME, but for so many of us out there we got NO "tool"!!!
Go talk to a surgeon about revision. If you previously had restriction and now have none then it may be a leak. If so a revision might be covered b/c of the band failure.
Check into this soon b/c many ins. companies are starting a "one WLS per lifetime" clause. I suspect they are doing this b/c of all the money they wasted on the bands, and so many 2nd and 3rd surgeries associated with them.
Good luck!
I'm almost ashamed to go back and ask bc my surgeon knows the gym time and discipline I used to get 120+ off that 1st year but dang if isn't killing me to keep it off. When I had restriction, I was just puking my brains out for about 2 months. They took out 2 cc and I let myself wait a good 2 mths and I have 2 cc's back in again but alas....nothing....the band is silent...I wonder if I stretched something.
I can't have a slip because I'm not sick; however, I do feel like the band is resting alot higher up than it did before. I look at my peers who got the GOP and have lost what I did without one day in the gym and its soooo discouraging. I know that every WLS's weight loss tapers off eventually but it must be nice to lose that much without even trying.
This has been the biggest fight of my life and I'm just getting so tired but I'm still in the ring so I guess that's all that matters. Getting back to the surgeon, he never wanted me to have the band in the 1st place bc he felt like I wouldn't be successful w/ my initial weight being 305 but I proved him wrong and got down to around 175 but now I'm back at 200. I really thought I'd be at 150 by now.