Looking for positive banders!
Block those you don't want to read. But do remember that you need to read about problems so you can try to avoid them yourself. Other people's experiences, both good and bad, make our own journey easier and safer. If we don't know the bad things, we don't know what to watch out for.
But there are very many positive people on here who will support you.
But there are very many positive people on here who will support you.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
Thank you. I agree 100%. I understand what you are saying and I truly I am looking for both the good and the bad. When I first got on here I ran into a few threads that seemed to be a little more drama than what I wanted. I have enough on my plate. Big decisions to make. All the support I can get will help.At this point (today) I dont know what way I am turning.
Thank you so much!

What Kate said! lol!! I try to just take the bad things with a grain of salt. Just because it happened to that person, doesn't mean it will happen to me and at least this way, since I read their experience, if that does ever happen to me, I'll have an idea of what's going on. Feel free to add me as a friend. I don't post often, but I do read alot!
Revision on 08/21/12
Yeah, what they said. I have been tempted to block some of the most offensive but realized that I might miss something important. It isn't the ones that have had problems that bother me but those who just hate the band, period, for no apparent reason. Those who have problems with their bands and have done the best they could are the ones I just want to give a big hug to. It just doesn't work for every one, and can become dangerous for others. Those are the folks who need help and empathy. I would not expect them to not tell their stories, even when uncomfortable to me. I don't matter in that case.
I love mine and went into the surgery knowing all the statistics both good and bad. Up until a week before surgery I continued to read the negative posts but at that point I was making myself crazy. I started reading again at about 10 days out, and yes, it scared me even more. By learning all I could I felt I could do my part to my best ability and if the bad thing happens in spite of it all, well then it is what it is.
Just take what you can use in your journey and leave the rest. If it makes you crazy then don't look. When you are feeling less vulnerable read and learn what you can. I vowed right from the beginning that I would learn what it took to succeed as well as what it took to fail (that is different from complications). By looking at both sides you will strengthen yourself.
I love mine and went into the surgery knowing all the statistics both good and bad. Up until a week before surgery I continued to read the negative posts but at that point I was making myself crazy. I started reading again at about 10 days out, and yes, it scared me even more. By learning all I could I felt I could do my part to my best ability and if the bad thing happens in spite of it all, well then it is what it is.
Just take what you can use in your journey and leave the rest. If it makes you crazy then don't look. When you are feeling less vulnerable read and learn what you can. I vowed right from the beginning that I would learn what it took to succeed as well as what it took to fail (that is different from complications). By looking at both sides you will strengthen yourself.
Thank you so much for the great advice! It is great to hear from someone who has a good band experince. I dont think I have come to the point where I am driving myself crazy with it all YET. I agree...I am going to take in as much information as I can. Learn. Be confident that I did the best I could with ALL the information I had available to me and at that point "it is what it is". Thanks!!!
Keep in mind that those that you consider "negative" are that way for a reason. The band doesn't work for so many of us, and there are many complications that go along with the band. We share our stories so that those that are preop will know what the band can really be like. We feel everyone has a right to know these things BEFORE getting the band so they can make an informed decision.
Also keep in mind that while you may love your band now............that doesn't mean you will feel the same way in 1...........2............or 3 years. Complications can often set in around that time. We all loved our bands initially! However no one is immune from band issues, and these same ppl that you don't want to read their post now............may be the very same ppl you will want help from in the future if you have those same band issues.
Good luck!
On October 30, 2011 at 2:15 PM Pacific Time, goals2behad wrote:
Marie I appreciate your posts and I have actually been reading yours a bunch! They will help me weigh my decision as to have the band or not. Please feel to give me any information. It is very clear it all comes from a very good place. Thank you so much. JenThanks Jen. One thing that I think many prospective bandsters are not aware of is that some of us never reach restriction. I never did after 16 fills in 15 months. Also one of the other forum members (I think it was Hislady) posted several months ago that she saw a different Dr. the last time she went and that Dr. told her that about 20% of bandsters never reach restriction/sweet spot/green zone.
Then there are others like N.M. that end up with serious permanent damage from the band. So although I am not at all happy with my band, I have to say that I have been one of the lucky ones compared to N.M. and several others that had serious band complications.
That being said.............I am still very pro-WLS. Just not pro-band. My suggestions would be to post on the RNY, DS and VSG forum also and ask those on there that are at least 3 years out how successful they have been and how they feel about the choice they made.
Good luck!
After almost 4 years with my LapBand, I have found that - Yes, it is good to know the negatives and the problems that can occur, so that you can try to avoid them - and if you can't avoid them, then you know you're not in the wrong, but things just seem to happen sometimes.
But I also believe with all of my heart that if things are going well for you and you issues tend to me making poor choices or drifting back to old habits, then you need to focus on the positives.
The LapBand has worked well for many. Yes, I said, Many. I know it seems that there are more negatives than positives, but I believe those who done well are out living their lives and enjoying their new healthy bodies.
I have had an excellent experience with the LapBand. I feel my life was saved. I am almost to my goal and as I get closer I realize I can go lower! I am healthy and happy and still following the basic rules of the LapBand. No drinking for an hour (my doc says 1 hr) - and eating my protein first!
But I also believe with all of my heart that if things are going well for you and you issues tend to me making poor choices or drifting back to old habits, then you need to focus on the positives.
The LapBand has worked well for many. Yes, I said, Many. I know it seems that there are more negatives than positives, but I believe those who done well are out living their lives and enjoying their new healthy bodies.
I have had an excellent experience with the LapBand. I feel my life was saved. I am almost to my goal and as I get closer I realize I can go lower! I am healthy and happy and still following the basic rules of the LapBand. No drinking for an hour (my doc says 1 hr) - and eating my protein first!
12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand.