SO... i'm now 5 days post op. So many things have been going through my head since my operation. i'm going to share a few here and see if anyone else is going or has gone through the same thing.
First thing that seems to be bothering me about this whole thing is how NOT nervous i was befor my procedure. I mean, there were girls in the same clinic i was in that were getting wls that were like crying and sobbing about how they didn't want to go through with it anymore. it was to the point where the staff had to medicate them to calm them down... and yet i felt fine. The whole time leading up to surgery i was excited and couldn't think of anything else but going shopping when i was FINALLY skinney... well thinner. :)) So heres the thing, since surgery i have been MISERABLE!!! In soooooo much effing pain! like, its to the point where i'm doubting my decision. I guess i didn't expect it to be as bad as it is. Its so much pain. I DO feel better today though, which brings me to my next complaint. I'M HONGREH!!
I don't know if its cravings or actual hunger though. the first 3 days i wasn't hungry at all. i did drink and eat lots of broth and stuff, but i'm now starting to crave like, actual food again. A big juicy cheeseburger or a slice of pizza! yuuum! or even something as simple as scrambbled eggs would be delicious! hey! i'm easy! my hunger and frustration of not being able to eat has gotten to the point of where broth grosses me the eff out!! litterally makes me gagg. i want nothing to do with it anymore, i would rather go hungry!! popsicles and jellos have helped a lot, but i'm just really frustrated... which brings me to my next complaint
I'm now really mad at myself for letting "it" get this far.(my weight problem) I never thought that i would be going through this... WLS. its almost like i feel... ashamed. Like, i don't want to be judged. i haven't even told most of my friends becuase I'm embarassed about the whole thing. I want to be proud of my decision. i feel like i'm lying to ppl and i don't know what i'm going to say to them once ppl start asking me "omg! how did you lose so much weight???" me:"ahem, well actually, i was so fat that i was on the verge of getting diabities and didn't have enough self control to control my food intake on my own so... i had my stomach tied up" and the truth is that when iwould speak to ppl that have had wls i didn't think illy of them at all. i always looked up to them in fact. its just different now that its me. :(
i can't believe that a bacon cheese burger with onion rings and bbq sauce with a side of ranch and curly chillie cheese fries has so much appeal to me! HEELLLOOOO i just went through WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY and all i could think about is pizza! smh... i feel really low guys. what can i do? make me see the future. and what can i eat that's not nasty canned broth!! ew. :)
First thing that seems to be bothering me about this whole thing is how NOT nervous i was befor my procedure. I mean, there were girls in the same clinic i was in that were getting wls that were like crying and sobbing about how they didn't want to go through with it anymore. it was to the point where the staff had to medicate them to calm them down... and yet i felt fine. The whole time leading up to surgery i was excited and couldn't think of anything else but going shopping when i was FINALLY skinney... well thinner. :)) So heres the thing, since surgery i have been MISERABLE!!! In soooooo much effing pain! like, its to the point where i'm doubting my decision. I guess i didn't expect it to be as bad as it is. Its so much pain. I DO feel better today though, which brings me to my next complaint. I'M HONGREH!!
I don't know if its cravings or actual hunger though. the first 3 days i wasn't hungry at all. i did drink and eat lots of broth and stuff, but i'm now starting to crave like, actual food again. A big juicy cheeseburger or a slice of pizza! yuuum! or even something as simple as scrambbled eggs would be delicious! hey! i'm easy! my hunger and frustration of not being able to eat has gotten to the point of where broth grosses me the eff out!! litterally makes me gagg. i want nothing to do with it anymore, i would rather go hungry!! popsicles and jellos have helped a lot, but i'm just really frustrated... which brings me to my next complaint
I'm now really mad at myself for letting "it" get this far.(my weight problem) I never thought that i would be going through this... WLS. its almost like i feel... ashamed. Like, i don't want to be judged. i haven't even told most of my friends becuase I'm embarassed about the whole thing. I want to be proud of my decision. i feel like i'm lying to ppl and i don't know what i'm going to say to them once ppl start asking me "omg! how did you lose so much weight???" me:"ahem, well actually, i was so fat that i was on the verge of getting diabities and didn't have enough self control to control my food intake on my own so... i had my stomach tied up" and the truth is that when iwould speak to ppl that have had wls i didn't think illy of them at all. i always looked up to them in fact. its just different now that its me. :(
i can't believe that a bacon cheese burger with onion rings and bbq sauce with a side of ranch and curly chillie cheese fries has so much appeal to me! HEELLLOOOO i just went through WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY and all i could think about is pizza! smh... i feel really low guys. what can i do? make me see the future. and what can i eat that's not nasty canned broth!! ew. :)
I can so feel your pain. I am 4 days out and starving!!. It never occurred to me to ask someone about the post op pain. Why??? Hell, I don't know. 
But trust me, it will pass. Make sure to drink water, water with lemon, water with Diet Ocean Spray, etc., today I had some broth from a pork stew my husband made. Ahh...it felt good in my belly.
How's your tummy? normal, gassy, sore, etc.?
Don't give up. You aren't alone.

But trust me, it will pass. Make sure to drink water, water with lemon, water with Diet Ocean Spray, etc., today I had some broth from a pork stew my husband made. Ahh...it felt good in my belly.
How's your tummy? normal, gassy, sore, etc.?
Don't give up. You aren't alone.
my belly is gassy. like it grumbles and bubbles and stuff. i feel like i wanna burp but i cant. i get this horrible pain in my chest as if my burp is being restricted by my band. see, i got a "green zone" fill with my operation. so my band has like .7 ccs in it. or something like that. i think maybe that's why my chest hurts so much every time i need to burp. i think that you're right tho. maybe home made broths will be more satifying. i just was so wrong in thinking that this was "the easy" way out of being fat. its really not. its really freaking hard. all the ppl that always say things like that are soooo wrong. i'm glad i'm not the only one though. you know... my port is the sorest part. well that and my chest area. is it hard for you to breathe as well? cuz it seems i can't catch a deep breathe. i'm out of breathe when i speak and stuff. and it hurts when i do breathe in... kinda like when its really really cold outside and you take a deep breath and it makes you kinda wanna cough... yea. i;ll say it again... this was a lot harder than i thought. tell me when you start the 2nd phase of liquids... mmm MILK AGAIN!! :) ah, its the small things that make me happy :))
Looks like we all share the same "surgiversary" week at least.
I was banded on Tuesday and I have had a fairly easy go of it this week.
I have had little cravings as my boyfriend made an incredible foccacia loaf and homemade pizza yesterday on his day off...but the way I see it, this is the life I need to get used to living. There will always be options to make bad choices...we just have to be stronger than that.
I have had minor pain and a bit of pressure from the gas, but most of that seems to have subsided in the last two days.
The only thing I can really complain about right now is the bruise at my port site....it is sore and tender and a BRIGHT blue-purple...I just can't wait for it to start changing colors and hurt less...so it starts healing...
I also had to forgo the pain meds as they were making me throw up (too strong with no food in my stomach.) and switch to liquid tylenol just one day out.
Good luck to you both!
I was banded on Tuesday and I have had a fairly easy go of it this week.
I have had little cravings as my boyfriend made an incredible foccacia loaf and homemade pizza yesterday on his day off...but the way I see it, this is the life I need to get used to living. There will always be options to make bad choices...we just have to be stronger than that.
I have had minor pain and a bit of pressure from the gas, but most of that seems to have subsided in the last two days.
The only thing I can really complain about right now is the bruise at my port site....it is sore and tender and a BRIGHT blue-purple...I just can't wait for it to start changing colors and hurt less...so it starts healing...
I also had to forgo the pain meds as they were making me throw up (too strong with no food in my stomach.) and switch to liquid tylenol just one day out.
Good luck to you both!
My first two days I had a really hard time taking a good deep breath...
did you get a plastic "toy" to practice your deep breathing? Try to use it as much as you can...that will also keep you from getting pneumonia and it will help the gassy feeling!
I have also been walking as much as I can...my boyfriend and I did a slow one mile walk yesterday...and as tired as it made me...it was so great to get out and get moving...it helps "pop" some of those bubbles...and also gets you intentionally breathing more steadily and deeper...
did you get a plastic "toy" to practice your deep breathing? Try to use it as much as you can...that will also keep you from getting pneumonia and it will help the gassy feeling!
I have also been walking as much as I can...my boyfriend and I did a slow one mile walk yesterday...and as tired as it made me...it was so great to get out and get moving...it helps "pop" some of those bubbles...and also gets you intentionally breathing more steadily and deeper...
All of what you are feeling is normal.. It was very freaky the way my body reacted to the surgery. I also lost about 20 pounds those first 2 weeks then after that my weight loss slowed down and plained off. It takes time to figure out what your body will let you eat so be careful when you are able to eat solids. Mine was in 2007 and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. The first two weeks are very very hard. After that it is much easier. My best advice would be to stay strong and follow exactly what your Doctor tells you and you will be thin and happy before you know it.