Anyone feel like b*tching? B*TCHFest is ready!

"B*TCHFest" is provided as a public service to those of us who have gripes and grievances but who (whom?), for whatever reason, lack a regular forum in which to air them. You are welcome to voice any problems - large or small, important, mundane or ridiculous - that currently have your panties wadded, your shorts frosted and your gears ground. Don't hold them in and risk future medical issues, wrinkles and/or those pesky gray hairs.
ANY and ALL issues that are plaguing you are open for you to voice; there are no "sacred cows." They say that "feelings aren't facts", so if you're feeling it, it's legit to you. NO ONE is allowed to flame a poster for something he or she writes, however commiseration is not only welcomed but encouraged. Please, no personal attacks against other OH members (at least, not by name) and ABSOLUTELY NO SURGERY WARS!
I'll start you off with a few gripes of mine, and you all can join in at any time! No limits - come back as many times as you like!
WARNING! Adult content ahead! Posts may (and probably will) contain "adult" content and language. I know that MINE will. Rated TV-MA.

I just have to get some **** off my chest. Join me, won't you?
- When did people get so stupid that they can't figure out how a sidewalk works? I live in a fairly old neighborhood (architecturally) and we are fortunate enough to have sidewalks on pretty much every street. So why the hell do so many people (and a frightening number of mothers with babies in strollers) opt to walk in the middle of the damned street?
- While I'm mentioning people walking: how about crossing in a CROSSWALK, instead of coming out between two cars in the middle of the block?
- I am loving the still-warm-in-mid-October weather, but my allergies are driving me crazy. And the poor dogs are miserable, between their allergies and the fleas which keep coming back despite applications of Frontline. Yeesh!
- Why does it seem that we are the only people in our neighborhood who understand what a "pooper scooper law" is?
- Why does it seem that I'm the only driver who knows how to SIGNAL prior to making a turn, who actually pulls to the CURB to stop, and manages to keep my music to MYSELF when I'm driving?
- Connecticut's "hands free" driving law is SEVEN YEARS OLD this month, so why can't people figure out that they are not supposed to drive and yap at the same time? Why can't the PD just start pulling these self-important natterers and ticket and fine them, before someone gets killed?
- Why does it seem that all the "good stuff" on TV is on the same day, and the rest of the week is a wasteland? Thank god for DVR.
Oh, that's it for now. Your turn. Have at it! ***** away, *****ers!!!
HiYa Bette,
Good way to end the day LOL
Life is good so cannot complain too much.
20 year old son who thinks the world revolves around him. Will not do anything to help around the house unless he gets a pay off. His "self importance is so irritating" I just want to poke him in the eye most days. What happened to my sweet little guy. Good lawd I hope he gets a better paying job and moves out of the house - as he is always saying to us. Hubby and I are like - please go already. LOL
BANK OF AMERICA - WHAT A BUNCH OF ARSE WIPES. Wanting to charge me $5.00 a month to use my Debit Card, laying off thousands of workers . And they just posted a gazillion dollar prof fit. ******* Corporate Fat Cats.
Just closed our B of A account yesterday and going back to the Credit Union.
Net Flix raising the monthly fee. Canceled that and just now have the streaming.
Good thing happened the other day. I was in the car with the 20 year old and he was on my last nerve. Long Story short I was on the phone to my Hubby yelling at him because he was on the 2nd last nerve, when the 20 yo says " Ah Mum - the cop behind us is pulling us over." It did not even register that I was talking on the phone and that is a bigger ticket. I am dropping the phone in my lap and the nice policemans says " do you realize that you did not stop at the stop sign" I apologized and he let me off with a warning. My hubby calls me back to ask what the ticket says. I say No Ticket just a warning. He starts to laugh and says to me " I bet you 100 lbs ago you would have got a ticket" I am sure I would have as well.
Good way to end the day LOL
Life is good so cannot complain too much.
20 year old son who thinks the world revolves around him. Will not do anything to help around the house unless he gets a pay off. His "self importance is so irritating" I just want to poke him in the eye most days. What happened to my sweet little guy. Good lawd I hope he gets a better paying job and moves out of the house - as he is always saying to us. Hubby and I are like - please go already. LOL
BANK OF AMERICA - WHAT A BUNCH OF ARSE WIPES. Wanting to charge me $5.00 a month to use my Debit Card, laying off thousands of workers . And they just posted a gazillion dollar prof fit. ******* Corporate Fat Cats.
Just closed our B of A account yesterday and going back to the Credit Union.
Net Flix raising the monthly fee. Canceled that and just now have the streaming.
Good thing happened the other day. I was in the car with the 20 year old and he was on my last nerve. Long Story short I was on the phone to my Hubby yelling at him because he was on the 2nd last nerve, when the 20 yo says " Ah Mum - the cop behind us is pulling us over." It did not even register that I was talking on the phone and that is a bigger ticket. I am dropping the phone in my lap and the nice policemans says " do you realize that you did not stop at the stop sign" I apologized and he let me off with a warning. My hubby calls me back to ask what the ticket says. I say No Ticket just a warning. He starts to laugh and says to me " I bet you 100 lbs ago you would have got a ticket" I am sure I would have as well.
Hi All -
- I'm sick. After 2 weeks, a doctor's visit, a z-pack of anti-biotics, an entire bottle of Robitussin with Codeine, and numerous other drugs, why the h*ll am I not better already?
- I too, am enjoying the mild temperature, but all the rain we've gotten is making every damn thing I'm allergic to attack me like a swarm of bees. UGH!!!
- The good news is, between my allergies and being sick over the past couple of weeks, I'm sure the Kleenex stock has risen!!
Enjoy your day.
- I'm sick. After 2 weeks, a doctor's visit, a z-pack of anti-biotics, an entire bottle of Robitussin with Codeine, and numerous other drugs, why the h*ll am I not better already?
- I too, am enjoying the mild temperature, but all the rain we've gotten is making every damn thing I'm allergic to attack me like a swarm of bees. UGH!!!
- The good news is, between my allergies and being sick over the past couple of weeks, I'm sure the Kleenex stock has risen!!

Enjoy your day.