I took Chatix while banded and had no "band side effects" I had nasty headaches but the most important side effect was I quit smoking. It was amazing! I literally forgot I smoked. All of a sudden one day around 5 I said to myself "hmm I didn't have a cigarette today". I know other people have had other side effects but for me it was wonderful. Not only have I been smoke free for 4 years, I don't even feel like an ex smoker.
From that moment on I felt like a person who never smoked. I had no repulsion, or want of a cigarette I was more like "indifferent". For me it was like a switch in my brain just went off and poof I wasn't a smoker. AMAZING!! Prior to that I had done the patch, gum (I swear I spent more money on nicorette then I ever did on Cigarettes), hypnosis, acupunture, and an inhaler I forgot the name.
I should also mention I was a 2+ pack a day smoker!
Good luck to you
From that moment on I felt like a person who never smoked. I had no repulsion, or want of a cigarette I was more like "indifferent". For me it was like a switch in my brain just went off and poof I wasn't a smoker. AMAZING!! Prior to that I had done the patch, gum (I swear I spent more money on nicorette then I ever did on Cigarettes), hypnosis, acupunture, and an inhaler I forgot the name.
I should also mention I was a 2+ pack a day smoker!
Good luck to you

I took Chantix and it worked almost immediately. I got the pukeys and REALLY bizarre dreams, but within 3 days, I "forgot" to smoke. And I haven't smoked in years now. Have no desire... which is what changed for me. I have quit in the past, but I always WANTED to smoke. Now I just don't have that deep seated desire.
But, man oh man, the pukeys were kinda bad. It's a distant memory now, at least!
PS. I just read Annette's answer... sounds like it did the same for me as it did for her!
But, man oh man, the pukeys were kinda bad. It's a distant memory now, at least!
PS. I just read Annette's answer... sounds like it did the same for me as it did for her!
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I can relate to everyone else. I took Chantix to quit smoking to have my Lapband surgery. While taking it, I had BIZARRE and VIVID dreams, but nothing bad. I also had to eat food at about 5 minutes after taking the pill. If I ate before or waited any longer than that, I felt very nauseous!! No fun!!
I was smoke free and never even felt the urge to smoke again until about 6 months ago. I was breaking up with my boyfriend. I was going through a lot of emotions. He was a smoker. I decided to take a few of his. At first, the taste repulsed me. I kept at it though. Smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day. I have now worked my way up to about 3/4 of a pack and feel out of control again.
I am going to have to take Chantix again, I think. I just hope the nauseous doesn't get bad now that I have my band.
I was smoke free and never even felt the urge to smoke again until about 6 months ago. I was breaking up with my boyfriend. I was going through a lot of emotions. He was a smoker. I decided to take a few of his. At first, the taste repulsed me. I kept at it though. Smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day. I have now worked my way up to about 3/4 of a pack and feel out of control again.
I am going to have to take Chantix again, I think. I just hope the nauseous doesn't get bad now that I have my band.
VSG on 03/25/16
I used it for about a month before I was banded , It made me sick to my stomach so I broke the 1mg pills in half and took them about 3 hours apart and had no problem. Good Luck hope all goes well for you. I am still Smoke free after 5 years

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
Mel...i took a half after a few bites of dinner,,small drink( i usually dont drink with meals but....) my nausea wasnt bad ...hopefully that will work...i quit for 2 months before banding...cold turkey(cause i knew i couldnt get the band if i didnt)......but now its harder :( i know how you feel ..i wish i could just be a social smoker or have one once in a while ...but i guess thats the addict inside..good luck !