Good Morning Everyone,
Hope everyone is expecdting a great week to happen. I know I am. This week my baby son turns 21 yrs. old. Hard to believe he is going to be that age....seems like he was a toddler yesterday. We ALL have so very many things in our life to be grateful for. No matter how large or small they may be. I know I personally have more things in my life that I am grateful for I could never list them all. Today I am so grateful for my loving family. Grateful for my WLS and all the different choices today for WLS. Grateful for my weight loss even though I never reached my goal weight ( my tool of choice still works and it isn't impossible to reach that goal even at 6 yrs. post op. ) Grateful for my health and life, grateful that my kitchen remodel is compeleted and that I love it. Gratefor for my Faith and answered prayers. Grateful for all the friends who I have met here on OH and so grateful that I have such a wonderful and caring bariatric surgeron and his staff. PLEASE share with us if you will what you are grateful for today. Have a blessed week.
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Hope everyone is expecdting a great week to happen. I know I am. This week my baby son turns 21 yrs. old. Hard to believe he is going to be that age....seems like he was a toddler yesterday. We ALL have so very many things in our life to be grateful for. No matter how large or small they may be. I know I personally have more things in my life that I am grateful for I could never list them all. Today I am so grateful for my loving family. Grateful for my WLS and all the different choices today for WLS. Grateful for my weight loss even though I never reached my goal weight ( my tool of choice still works and it isn't impossible to reach that goal even at 6 yrs. post op. ) Grateful for my health and life, grateful that my kitchen remodel is compeleted and that I love it. Gratefor for my Faith and answered prayers. Grateful for all the friends who I have met here on OH and so grateful that I have such a wonderful and caring bariatric surgeron and his staff. PLEASE share with us if you will what you are grateful for today. Have a blessed week.
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Vivian Prouty Obesity Help Support Group Coach "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"
I too, have so much to be grateful for that I don't deserve. I have been blessed beyond what anyone should expect in their life.
Vivian, I am grateful for your consistent reminders to count my blessings. We get too caught up in the rat race some times...... then I remember the verse: "Be still, and know that I am God."
Thank you for your gentle reminders to stop and enjoy our lives.
I hope God continues to bless your on-line ministry.
Vivian, I am grateful for your consistent reminders to count my blessings. We get too caught up in the rat race some times...... then I remember the verse: "Be still, and know that I am God."
Thank you for your gentle reminders to stop and enjoy our lives.
I hope God continues to bless your on-line ministry.

Good morning everyone:)
It's been a rough couple of days for me, but I'm so grate for my life, health, and strength. I don't know where I would be without the blessings of the Lord. I'm so grateful for this on-line support. I'm grateful for a my church family. I'm grateful for my husband and children. I have so much love surrounding me. Thank you Lord!!!!
It's been a rough couple of days for me, but I'm so grate for my life, health, and strength. I don't know where I would be without the blessings of the Lord. I'm so grateful for this on-line support. I'm grateful for a my church family. I'm grateful for my husband and children. I have so much love surrounding me. Thank you Lord!!!!