fills under fluoro?
I was just wondering if when most of you get fills is it done under fluoro? I have been banded for almost 2 years and have never had it done. Also I just wonder does anyone get "check ups" on there band? Sometimes I just worry like what if its slipped, or something is wrong with it im very paranoid about having a forign ojbect in me. I just want to know all is well with it. What would need to be done to get it checked?
I have had a total of 6 fills, no unfills all done under fluro. I am a very visual person and what helps me is knowing that my band is still there LOL and I can see my tiny little pouch which is the size of a large egg.
I have had a empty plastic Easter egg sitting on my desk for the last 2 years. This is a reminder on how small my servings need to be.
Do you have fillings in your teeth ?? These are a foreign object as well. I am thankful that they are there so I do not look like an old hag.
I also have small plastic clips on my Fallopian tubes which are a foreign object in my body. Once I ended the pregnancy section of my life I look on these little buggers as a medical blessing.
You have to be your own medical advocate. If you are worried about anything please call your Doctor and discuss your options.
I have had a total of 6 fills, no unfills all done under fluro. I am a very visual person and what helps me is knowing that my band is still there LOL and I can see my tiny little pouch which is the size of a large egg.
I have had a empty plastic Easter egg sitting on my desk for the last 2 years. This is a reminder on how small my servings need to be.
Do you have fillings in your teeth ?? These are a foreign object as well. I am thankful that they are there so I do not look like an old hag.
I also have small plastic clips on my Fallopian tubes which are a foreign object in my body. Once I ended the pregnancy section of my life I look on these little buggers as a medical blessing.
You have to be your own medical advocate. If you are worried about anything please call your Doctor and discuss your options.
You really can't compare fillings in teeth and clips on the fallopian tubes to a band on the stomach as far as foreign objects go, though.
The stomach is soft tissue, it's alive with nerves and blood vessels and constant pressure on this living tissue can sometimes cause big problems. The gut is prone to damage and irritation more than a tooth or even a fallopian tube.
I'm not trying to be contrary... just pointing out a different thought on the matter.
The stomach is soft tissue, it's alive with nerves and blood vessels and constant pressure on this living tissue can sometimes cause big problems. The gut is prone to damage and irritation more than a tooth or even a fallopian tube.
I'm not trying to be contrary... just pointing out a different thought on the matter.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I believe I can and I did missy !!! LOL
A filling can get infected and cause damage to your gums. I read a while back that there was a study showing that some people were now starting to have trouble with the old mercury fillings in teeth. I got my mercury fillings as a kid in the 60's & 70's So far so good. But crap I am not going to loose sleep over it. I will deal with it if it happens.
I am not a doctor and can be wrong but a fallopian tube is soft tissue and probably has vessels in it as well. Pretty sure that the clip closes the sucker shut so the egg cannot be release.
9 years after having my last baby and having the clips put on, I developed and abscess on my fallopian tube and had to have it removed. The doctor said the 1st thing I said when waking up in recovery was please tell me the other clip is still there LOL. Did not want any more surprises ( ie 3 boys are enough for me thank you very much)
Sorry to the OP but any foreign object in your body is just that. All WLS leave something inside us. The lap band just has the biggest object.
A filling can get infected and cause damage to your gums. I read a while back that there was a study showing that some people were now starting to have trouble with the old mercury fillings in teeth. I got my mercury fillings as a kid in the 60's & 70's So far so good. But crap I am not going to loose sleep over it. I will deal with it if it happens.
I am not a doctor and can be wrong but a fallopian tube is soft tissue and probably has vessels in it as well. Pretty sure that the clip closes the sucker shut so the egg cannot be release.
9 years after having my last baby and having the clips put on, I developed and abscess on my fallopian tube and had to have it removed. The doctor said the 1st thing I said when waking up in recovery was please tell me the other clip is still there LOL. Did not want any more surprises ( ie 3 boys are enough for me thank you very much)
Sorry to the OP but any foreign object in your body is just that. All WLS leave something inside us. The lap band just has the biggest object.
Nipple clips would cause a lot of damage, too!! You left those out... conveniently.
The gut is really, really responsive to foreign objects... more than all those other things combined. And that kinda stinks because in a perfect world, the lapband would restrict the amount you could eat without inflicting any damage to the tissue. I'm waiting for the Perfect World... do you think we're close yet?! I know. Me neither! Maybe someday, though, huh?

The gut is really, really responsive to foreign objects... more than all those other things combined. And that kinda stinks because in a perfect world, the lapband would restrict the amount you could eat without inflicting any damage to the tissue. I'm waiting for the Perfect World... do you think we're close yet?! I know. Me neither! Maybe someday, though, huh?
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I've had numerous fills and unfills over my 4 yrs banded and never had one done with fluro. Usually if something is seriously wrong with the band there is a symptom of some kind pain or nausea. Goodness I have nearly as many foreigh objects in me as I do natural parts I have pins and metal strips in both feet, screws and metal plates on one leg, a hip replacement, a spinal stimulator and my band. Trust me the older you get (like me) the more you'll be thankful for all those foreign objects!

Most docs prefer to minimise exposure to radiation by only giving fills under fluoro if there is a real reaon to do so. These days, being well below goal and not needing fills, I have a barium swallow every 18 months or so, just so check it all out.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,