What a week it was, and surprised I didn't go off the rails...
How do you all cope when the wheels fall off the bus?
I did go to the gym today, which helped, but, it will take everything in me to not drink wine every night this week?
How do you cope? Well, just remind yourself that turning to food will not make things any better in the long run. In fact it will make things worse because you'll have guilt to deal with. Try writing down what's bugging you when you're tempted to turn to wine, (or anything else you shouldn't be eating). Sometimes identifying the true emotion behind your desire to overeat/drink is enough to put it aside and move forward. Go somewhere in your house where there is no food and wait 10 minutes, do a little writing or thinking and then do something for yourself that doen's involve a snack. Going to the gym is great, or take a bath, take a walk, clean a cupboard, etc. Anything that's a distraction. Also, spend sometime reflecting on an especially hated "before" picture. That usually does the trick for me because I know I NEVER want to go back!
I'm praying that things get better for you all around but in the meantime, celebrate your strength! You did a great job!
Lisa O.
Ugh...what is it with last week? I have heard and read several sad accounts of the past week.
I am sorry to hear about all that you are dealing with, but I am glad to hear that you are doing well with your band. Congrats on the weight loss...onederland is in sight!
I am about the worst person at coping with stress, and since my VSG I've found that stress leads me to not eating (thats a first) and mainly just trying to sleep as much as possible, so I don't have a lot of answers for you there.
Would it be possible to get the wine out of the house until you start having better weeks?
Best of luck,
it seems to erase the sweet tooth
of course you can only do it a few times a day

here's wishing you get thru this with your determination and goals intact.
think of how strong you'll be the next time a stressor comes along...you'll laugh
So to answer your question how to cope,,, that is deff the million dollar question and would love even a $10 answer....
Deff here if ya ever need anything.....
Sorry you had such a bad week. I find when I'm stressed I want to eat carbs (cheez-its, crackers, chips ect,,,.) so I've decided to not buy them anymore. I wanted to eat some last night so bad, instead I ate some peanuts...Try to get the wine out of your house so you want be tempted to drink it, best of luck and congratulations on your weight loss....