Awesome Bandster!
As much as I do complain about my band................because of it I have met some awesome bandsters! Bette, Kate, N.M., Lisa O. and several more. One of those happens to be Hislady.
I posted about 2 months ago that I was adopting a Pomeranian from a rescue group, and Hislady offerend to make a dog sweater for him. I received them in the mail about 2 weeks ago, but I'm just now getting around to thanking her (chronic procrastinator!)
Aren't these adorable!
The blue one has a hoodie and the brown one has a little bone on it!
Thanks Hislady! :-)

And my puppy thanks you too!

Such a cutie! I'm a dog lover too, and happen to have a Pomapoo. (Pomeranian an poodle mix) She called her a designer dog, we used to call them mutts. Either way she's a great dog, that unfortunately barks a lot. She will probably be the last one I'll purchase. I found out when I rescued my Bischon, that with a little patience and if you don't mind driving, you can rescue almost any breed you want.
Debbie have u seen those "bark off" things they have now? They are like $5 and they have them at some of the pharmacies. CVS, Rite Aid or Walgreens, can't remember which. The foster mom had one and she said hers didn't work, but I think that's b/c she had so many dogs in the house (10). I would have bought one to try with this dog..........but he doesn't bark! Poms are usually such yippy dogs, but I had him about a month before he barked. He has barked 3 or 4 times when he was outside and ready to come in, but that's all. I've always had Poms before, so I am NOT used to a quiet Pom! lol
Hey thanks! Don't know how they work, but I'll check into it. And yes, my groomer told me the barking comes from the pom side. She is really such a good dog except for the occasional excessive barking. My Bischon is beautiful, and was a breeder dog but is a bit damaged. My daughter upgraded her from Lindsey Lohan damaged to Brittney Speers damaged. She was 4 when we adopted her a little over a year ago. She really has come a long way, and I've never had a dog love me like she does. I love having 2, but there is the expense to consider. I love the differences in them. What's that cute little Pom's name?
On October 2, 2011 at 8:31 PM Pacific Time, debbie H. wrote:
Hey thanks! Don't know how they work, but I'll check into it. And yes, my groomer told me the barking comes from the pom side. She is really such a good dog except for the occasional excessive barking. My Bischon is beautiful, and was a breeder dog but is a bit damaged. My daughter upgraded her from Lindsey Lohan damaged to Brittney Speers damaged. She was 4 when we adopted her a little over a year ago. She really has come a long way, and I've never had a dog love me like she does. I love having 2, but there is the expense to consider. I love the differences in them. What's that cute little Pom's name?~My daughter upgraded her from Lindsey Lohan damaged to Brittney Speers damaged.~

That is one reason I want a small dog. B/c of the expense. He needs company so we are going to adopt a female Pom also.
As far as the name, it's Charlie. I wanted to name him Puff, but my husband came up with Charlie, and since he has gotten so attached to him I let him name him. :-)
Hey, Maria, don't do what I did. My little pomapoo, Sassy, was the first dog I'd ever had that really needed another dog. I waited too long. She LOVED other dogs and was so playful with them. But I waited till she was 4 before I decided I could deal with and afford 2 dogs. Though I LOVE having 2, waiting that long sorta was too long for Sassy. She is not nearly as crazy about Viv as Viv is about her. But it's OK. They get along fine, but Sas is pretty set in her ways and really values her personal space. Viv...not so much:)