Lap Band surgery wasn't the easiest thing I did for myself/Update

Hermosa L
on 9/22/11 1:54 am

Lapband surgery wasn't the easiest thing I did for myself .. it was actually the hardest. It brought to light the real issues I have/had with food. I love veggies and fruit and I have always been very good at consuming those but I also love oh ice cream, cheeseburgers, pizza, chips & dip, mexican food and I can go on and on. I always knew what I consumed at times was not good for me and I always knew the amounts were too much.

I have been on countless diets since I was 13.. I was on the yo-yo train up and down and up and down .. then I turned to surgery for help. For me it was the easiet but the best thing I ever did for myself. It has made me a stronger person it has made me listen to my body more and listen to my urges less.. for years I over consumed for no reason or many reasons.. in the end it really didn't matter I ate because I loved food. I can still sit on the couch now and go to town on some cheetos but I don't... or try not to (hey I'm not perfect) but before I didnt care and I would let it snowball and now it matters more and after I do I ask myself WHY? I deal with whatever is going on with me and move on. Surgery wasn't around my brain so I can still "not" feel hungry and want to eat .. I had to change as a person if I wanted to be successful and I have and I still have a lot more changes to make.

I had surgery in March of 09 at my lowest I was down 106 pounds, lost my father last year during the holiday and gained 20 back then  lost 10-15 of those pounds..Over the last few months I have been going up and down the same 5 pounds .. I'm pass my honeymoon stage of having my band .. it takes real effort to cook, plan meals etc and right now I'm not in that mindset. It's HOT in Vegas I dont want to cook, I cook for 1 and by the time I get home I just want to eat something and relax .. I only have 40 more pounds to lose so I decied to join Jenny Craig for 8-10 weeks to lose 20 pounds.. I am hoping this will push me through this stall then I can go back to my own for the last 20 pounds. I am happy to report I lost 6.8 pounds in the first week ..

Below is a before photo and current


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Jean M.
on 9/22/11 3:38 am
Revision on 08/16/12
I'm sure someone will accuse me of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, but every time I hear your story, what I'm hearing is wonderfully honest and inspiring.


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: 





Hermosa L
on 9/22/11 4:14 am


it's been a little depressing around here lately. I know there are people with real issues with their band and I know there are some that expected more.

I always try to support. I know my reality the hard cold reality for me is I have to put forward the effort ...I didn't have lap band surgery to eat 5 bites of burger .. it was to be more of a well rounded person.. eating well and exercising.. being active. I am glad I can only eat a small portion of a burger when I want one vs eating a one with bacon, cheese, mushrooms and a side of larger fries. But the replacement of eating 5 bites of burger vs. a lean protein and veggie matters.. it matters to our bodies .. not just the scale over time but skin, arteries, choloestrol...etc.
At the end of the day I didn't gain my excess weight in 2-3 years and it's not realstic for me to assume I would lose it in 1 year. The one thing I appreciate most about my band is helping me keep off the weight.. I have never in my life lost this huge amount of weight and kept it off. I did have a minor blimp .. but I consumed huge amounts of sliders. It was like I still watched what I eat and on the occasion ate bad.. no those 20 pounds were BAGS of chips, containers of ice cream, multitude of candy bars and cookies.. I fully admit it.

Regardless of surgery we as individuals have to put forward the effort to either lose the weight and or maintain the weight loss .. This begins with I

I don't come here as often but I'm trying because I know there is newbies or people struggling or happy lap bands like me that want to share their happiness.. which sadly doesn't happen as much as it use to. Thanks Jean for always being an cheerleader!!

on 9/22/11 3:59 am
You are so beautiful!!! Go girl you can do it! That is a wonderful loss!  Love and Hugs Renea
Lisa O.
on 9/22/11 5:06 am - Snoqualmie, WA
I'm with you, Hermosa!  Well said!

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



on 9/22/11 5:20 am - NJ
 You where beautiful before and after! 

As for cooking for one, have you ever thought about getting a small crock pot? Toss everything in in the morning and have a full meal when you get home (also the meat is SO tender!) and it does not raise the tempreature in the house. It's the only way I cook in the summer!

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 9/22/11 8:19 am - MD
You are doing a great job keep up the good work!!
on 9/22/11 8:29 am
I too am not much of a cook and live alone. I love perdue perfect portion chicken breasts. They come in seveal flavors, or plain. They are individually wraped. I throw the bag in the freezer and take one out as needed. You just cook them up in a pan- takes 8 minutes. I also like chicken sausage (don't eat it all the time because it's kinda high in fat.) Again, comes in different flavors. You'll see it by the hotdogs. I also like porkloin, again they are marinated in different flavors. I bake it in the oven- eat a 1/4 and put 3 servings in the freezer. I also buy frozen fish- I like gortons grilled fish- just bake for about 20 min. and sunkist white fish- microwave for 8 minutes. They both go buy one get one free at my publix sometimes- I stock up then, they are a little pricey. It says to servings but I eat both pieces- still a very reasonable amount.
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