whaaa!!!!! my lap band didn't work !!!!!!
I don't understand this response. Huh? "no one wants you here"?
5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband (four fills) 1 unfill of .5cc on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012. Unfill of .5cc June 2014.
Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since
last small unfill.
HW: 267lbs- size 22-24 LW:194lbs CW:198lbs Size 14-16
VSG on 03/25/16
I agree Jolena

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
I have been a successful bandster so far and I thank my lucky stars...I don't act smug and rub it in others' faces. Yes there are some that aren't compliant and end up not being successful. You fail to realize we are fighting an addiction here. Would you be so smug to a person that fails AA or NA...it's the exact same thing. People with addictions will try anything to try to overcome. I just see the point in even bringing up people's failures. If people come on here and blame their band and it's not their band to blame....who cares. People who come on here and read their stories and research can make up their minds regardless of what they read here.
I will pray for those that have tried and failed to over come their weight problems and may your next try be your success story!!!!
I will pray for those that have tried and failed to over come their weight problems and may your next try be your success story!!!!
I don't feel I rubbed anything in anybody's, I was simply replying to someone who asked me about my success. I understand that it is an addiction, I also deal with it on a daily basis. All this nonsense started when I asked for some helpful suggestions since I was having issues with my band and food getting caught causing me to vomit. I had some very helpful and positive responses, but then I got one that totally attacked me and the operation that has helped me and so many others get their lives back, and possibly avoid diabetes, etc.. I admit to being defensive, but that was only because I truly believe that the band is an incredible tool that can be used to your advantage. The person who attacked me on my post ranted when I said that it needs to be used in conjunction with proper diet and excercise. She said she didn't pay 15,000 to be told to go on a diet. That sounded to me like not a failed band, but someone who didn't want to put the effort into it. I told her that if it was a failed band then she should be given another band or revision surgery. I am not going to apologize, for being truthful. Maybe it will motivate some slackers!!!!!!!
REALIZE Band on 09/03/09 with
I think your Ok Mike, but some ladies I think -and from my own experience, have come on here and tried to scare me to death about lap band surgery. I think that is very wrong. just like politicians who say a vaccine will make you mentally sick. People are very sensitive, some more than others. People are to be treated with respect and let them make their own decisions. This is a forum and we have a right to express our opinions, experiences and the like, I do not feel you attacked anyone by your write up at all. It was a general statement, but some here attack a blogger, specifically. I pray that, once banded, I will not turn into an ugly witch no matter what the outcome. It is worth a try, and I am going to give it my best shot. I pray with Gods grace I succeed and all go well. but I am very aware that in THIS life- things go wrong. There is NO perfection. BUT we still must try. Good luck and blessings to all.
Thanks, I don't know why but everyone keeps calling me Mike, that is the name of my surgeon who was posted under my user name, LOL. My name is Shelley, but I do believe that my lap was a blessing, I also had it done by an excellent surgeon, the hospital and Dr Hill were credited with a CENTER OF EXCELLENCE award for their bariatric center. I have lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of confidence. I actually decided to go back to school, I started a CNA course last night, and am planning on going for my LPN in the next year or two. I never would have believed in myself enough to do it before. I was always the fat girl who didn't turn heads, unless in disgust. Now, I'm quite a little cutie, I'm sorry if people don't like that I said that. I want to wish you the best of luck with your surgery, and if you would like to talk feel free to contact me. Let me know your surgery date so I can say a prayer for a successful band and speedy recovery.