3 lapbands... anyone else?

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/11 11:16 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On September 12, 2011 at 6:05 PM Pacific Time, mabinty wrote:
Karen you do what make you happy!!!! Opinon are like ass hole everybody has one!!!!! We all have had surgey!! People kill me like that got all the answer!!! Nobody on here is God!!! He know are body what will work for us and what will not!!!! A  lot of people r like crack head when it come to this WLS!!! If one don't work they hop to another one then want to tell people what not to do!!!!!!  Anyway  My famous words  "WHAT YOU EAT DON'T MAKE ME FAT"   You know your body and I do wish you the best of luck!!!!!!
I resent that.... I was telling people what to do long before my revision surgery. I also try not to listen to my imaginary friend because last time I did, he screwed with me and told me to get the Lap Band.
on 9/12/11 12:05 pm
 Resent what? That u a know it all? Do u have PHD? R maybe a KIA? Please I think you have issues!!!! Lapband so beacause it didn't work out let me hop to something else!!! So then what if that don't help u? MMMMMMMMM just leave people alone!!! You are like a  PRESIDENT WITH NO COUNTRY!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/11 12:43 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
On September 12, 2011 at 7:05 PM Pacific Time, mabinty wrote:
 Resent what? That u a know it all? Do u have PHD? R maybe a KIA? Please I think you have issues!!!! Lapband so beacause it didn't work out let me hop to something else!!! So then what if that don't help u? MMMMMMMMM just leave people alone!!! You are like a  PRESIDENT WITH NO COUNTRY!!!!!
Uh, I was being sarcastic, and you are entitled to your opinion just like I am.

I lost almost all of my weight with my Lap Band and I haven't gained it back, so I'm guessing you really don't have a clear understanding of where I am coming from MMMMMMMMMM ?
on 9/12/11 1:12 pm
To be honest with you!!! It not about if I have a clear understanding are not!!!!!!! It about  you thinking you have all the answers!!!! I really dont give a rat azz!!! It about stop TRYING TO PUSH YOUR OPINON ON OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!! And making them feel bad!!!!!!! That all I dont know you but to me it like you are a bully!!!! And we dont know it all!!! That why people come on this site to get help not to be bully!!!!!!!! So stop trying to take stuff to the next  level!!! Have you ever heard the saying  IF YOU CAN'T SAY NOTHING NICE THEN SAY NOTHING!!!! We all have  doctors that we trust to do their job!!!!  That why they get paid the big bucks!!! Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/11 1:24 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
On September 12, 2011 at 8:12 PM Pacific Time, mabinty wrote:
To be honest with you!!! It not about if I have a clear understanding are not!!!!!!! It about  you thinking you have all the answers!!!! I really dont give a rat azz!!! It about stop TRYING TO PUSH YOUR OPINON ON OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!! And making them feel bad!!!!!!! That all I dont know you but to me it like you are a bully!!!! And we dont know it all!!! That why people come on this site to get help not to be bully!!!!!!!! So stop trying to take stuff to the next  level!!! Have you ever heard the saying  IF YOU CAN'T SAY NOTHING NICE THEN SAY NOTHING!!!! We all have  doctors that we trust to do their job!!!!  That why they get paid the big bucks!!! Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!!!!!!
Exactly what part of my reply to her did you consider bullying ? I never claimed to know it all, but I have experience and knowledge on lap band problems. I didn't bully her at all, I didn't push my opinion on her either. What I did do was share accurate and factual information from Allergans own website with her. How is that bullying ?

If you had bothered to click on the link it would have shown you that all the information I posted in my reply was not my opinion, but rather factual information. You assumed that I failed at my weight loss attempt with my band in an earlier reply to me and I told you that you were incorrect in your assumption. You are once again wrong in assuming that I am only posting my opinions.
on 9/13/11 12:54 am
Your reply is total non-sense.  I didn't/don't see Pumpkin bullying anyone, she is showing facts and is sharing experience that so many new post-ops to not want to admit or face the possibilities (which are very prevalent), they more then likely will face long-term.  It doesn't happen to many in the first couple of years but eventually MANY long-term post-ops face difficulties with the band and it isn't going to be a solution for the best chance of a normal life in a normal body.  I have two family members experiencing difficulties currently, both are 6 years out AND both regret self-paying for such a short-term opportunity to be healthy and will eventually be spending MORE money to have the stupid ass band removed from their bodies.

I'll say NO WLS is magic, the statistics ARE important though for anyone currently researching WLS.  The crapband statistics suck and continue to go done in complications and long-term weight maintenance. 

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 9/13/11 9:08 am

We all know it risk to any surgery!!!! But just because something didn't work for you!!!! Don't mean it gonna be like that for everyone!!!! What I meant about begin a bully that lady know how to read she have did all the research!!!  She could have private message her if she was so concern!!!!!!!! We all know about Lap Band you dont have to put in her face like that!!!! Have a wonderful Day!!!!!

On September 12, 2011 at 8:12 PM Pacific Time, mabinty wrote:
To be honest with you!!! It not about if I have a clear understanding are not!!!!!!! It about  you thinking you have all the answers!!!! I really dont give a rat azz!!! It about stop TRYING TO PUSH YOUR OPINON ON OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!! And making them feel bad!!!!!!! That all I dont know you but to me it like you are a bully!!!! And we dont know it all!!! That why people come on this site to get help not to be bully!!!!!!!! So stop trying to take stuff to the next  level!!! Have you ever heard the saying  IF YOU CAN'T SAY NOTHING NICE THEN SAY NOTHING!!!! We all have  doctors that we trust to do their job!!!!  That why they get paid the big bucks!!! Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!!!!!!

The same could be said to you.
on 9/12/11 10:19 pm - NJ
 You are an idiot. Do you think we CHOOSE to have band complications, do you think it was fun having my insides all messed up for almost a year, have my joints so swollen that I almost could not care for my infant son, having headaches that literally left me writhing in pain and vomiting. Yeah, we just choose to have our insides surgically messed around with on multiple occasions because it was so easy it was like popping pills. I nearly left my children motherless with my "less invasive, less risky" surgery. 

I don't say this often, but you need to shut the **** up before you burn all your bridges and have no place to go when YOU have complications. 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 9/13/11 8:59 am, edited 9/13/11 9:08 am
First of all who are the F _ _ _ _ you calling a idiot? I think you r the one who the idoit!!! You walk around that long almost a year with problem so who stupid!!!!!!!! They why they said do your research!!!  ALL SURGERY HAVE A RISK!!!!!! Did you not read the fine print IDIOT!!!!!!!!! And another thing STUPID ASS!!!! You would  be the last person i ask for help from!!!! Burn What bridges Idiot? Last time I check nobody on here pay my dam  Doctor Bill but me!!!!!! People like you can not tell me ****!!!!!! Now I am thur with you  BAKU!!!!! And now to translate Baku for you it mean STUPID in Japanese!!!!!!!!! You have a wonderful day!!!!!!
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