3 lapbands... anyone else?

on 9/12/11 10:50 am
Now that made my day!!!!!!!!! Wild honey
on 9/12/11 5:51 am, edited 9/11/11 6:06 pm

I will be 7 years post op, and if my band ever slip, I would get another one. It has give me a great quality of life with no complications and if it evers "wear out", I would replace it in a heartbeat.

on 9/12/11 10:13 pm - NJ
 That might not be a choice you have, it wasn't one for me. The band did so much damage to my insides, and removal was so hard that the amount of scar tissue left behind made it impossible for me to ever safely get a new band. It almost made it impossible to have a revision period. 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 9/14/11 1:38 pm - Athens, GA
On September 12, 2011 at 12:51 PM Pacific Time, Beautiful One wrote:

I will be 7 years post op, and if my band ever slip, I would get another one. It has give me a great quality of life with no complications and if it evers "wear out", I would replace it in a heartbeat.

Damn Naiomi/Nana/Beauutiful One! Quit posting such nonsense! You know YOUR band will never slip! You are 100% compliant, and slips only happen to bandsters that cause it theirselves! So don't worry your "beautiful" little self about such rediculous things! Hell you'd have a better chance of being hit by a meteorite than slipping YOUR band!

Nice to see you back on the forum. ;-)




on 9/12/11 4:05 am
VSG on 04/23/12
That was just Rude!
Zee Starrlite
on 9/12/11 4:47 am

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/11 2:08 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On September 11, 2011 at 9:49 PM Pacific Time, Karen R. wrote:
So I love my lap band(s)!  I had my first one in 06, it eroded.  Out it came, recovered for 6 months, then band #2 went in.  It sprung a leak.  Oh yea did I mention a port crack too?  Anyway, they slid out band #2 and slid in band #3....  I am kind of at a plateau...  I think mainly from my eating habits.  Tomorrow is a new day and I am bound and determined to lose the rest of this weight!
 I'm appalled that your surgeon actually went ahead with banding you for a third time, and banding you after an erosion is not only dangerous, but IMO unethical at best.

Your band surgeon is a prime example of why many of us keep complaining about lap band surgeons and their " Surgery Mills " we are the " Cash Cows " for the greedy *******s. I cannot think of one good reason why your surgeon thought that banding you for a second let alone a third time would be beneficial to your health and your weight loss journey.

It is very common for a revision bandster to not lose any weight with a band to band revision due to scar tissue build up and having to place the second lap band higher up the stomach, which in turn causes restriction to become even more illusive.

Lap Band surgeons know that most of their lap band patients will be back for a second surgery and they are counting on you coming back in for that second surgery so that they can make some more money off your ins company or you if your self pay.

I'm not sure why you allowed this to happen to you, but it's your choice. If there ever comes a time and you need to revise to another surgery...I implore you to not go with band number four. Forget the fact that revising back to a band after an erosion is absolutely dangerous. Band to band revisions have really low success rates.

If you don't want to take my word for it, then read about it here on Allergans site. Allergan is the maker of the lap band. Read under Key exclusion criteria on page 5. It clearly states:

History of bariatric, gastric, or esophageal surgery. Should be excluded from being banded.

This means you were to be excluded from being
RE-BANDED and your band surgeon was negligent in placing a second and third band in you.

Special Notice  Page 12
The manufacturer of the LAP-BAND AP® Adjustable Gastric
Banding System has designed, tested and manufactured it to be
reasonably fit for its intended use. However, The LAP-BAND AP®
System is not a lifetime product
and it may break or fail, in whole
or in part, at any time after implantation and notwithstanding
the absence of any defect. Causes of partial or complete failure
include, without limitation, expected or unexpected bodily
reactions to the presence and position of the implanted device,
rare or atypical medical complications, component failure
and normal wear and tear. In addition, the LAP-BAND AP®
System may be easily damaged by improper handling or use.
Please refer to the adverse events section in this document
and to the Information for Patients booklet for a presentation
of the warnings, precautions, and the possible adverse events
associated with the use of


P.S. Keep in mind that since Allergan is not legally mandated to report " Adverse Events " that all the stats that they are stating are actually much higher then being reported.

I'm not trying to bag on you Karen, but I needed to explain to any pre/post-ops that might be reading your post...why they should never revise back to a band , and to not take this lightly by glossing over this as Steeler fan has. I sincerely wish you amazing success on your weight loss journey and CONGRATULATIONS on being so close to your goal.


Karen R.
on 9/12/11 2:35 am - Gering, NE
Not going to rant here but I have a wonderful surgeon, a Center of Excellence.  ALL of my surgeries were covered by my insurance AND Allergan paid for the cracked band and all that went with that.

On the road again....so glad to be on the road again.... 

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/11 2:48 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On September 12, 2011 at 9:35 AM Pacific Time, Karen R. wrote:
Not going to rant here but I have a wonderful surgeon, a Center of Excellence.  ALL of my surgeries were covered by my insurance AND Allergan paid for the cracked band and all that went with that.
( I'm quoting here )

What is a Center of Excellence ?


It is a hospital where the insurance companies have conspired with certain hospitals and surgeons to consolidate bariatric surgeries, for the sake of "efficiency."  Now one aspect is true - the learning curve DOES favor hospitals where a lot of surgeries are done - the doctors are more experienced; the staff knows how to work as a team; they have better equipment.  But as for the rest - in exchange for being the SOLE provider of bariatric services for the insurance companies, the hospital and surgeon make a deal with the devil - they agree to accept low rent prices from the insurance company.  And to work with the insurance company to keep costs low - often at the expense of the patient.

So, basically, "Bariatric Center of Excellence" = SURGERY MILL.
In case anyone is under the mistaken impression that they are actually "special" or that this designation means anything particularly good.
on 9/12/11 11:05 am
Karen you do what make you happy!!!! Opinon are like ass hole everybody has one!!!!! We all have had surgey!! People kill me like that got all the answer!!! Nobody on here is God!!! He know are body what will work for us and what will not!!!! A  lot of people r like crack head when it come to this WLS!!! If one don't work they hop to another one then want to tell people what not to do!!!!!!  Anyway  My famous words  "WHAT YOU EAT DON'T MAKE ME FAT"   You know your body and I do wish you the best of luck!!!!!!
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