3 lapbands... anyone else?

Karen R.
on 9/11/11 2:49 pm - Gering, NE
So I love my lap band(s)!  I had my first one in 06, it eroded.  Out it came, recovered for 6 months, then band #2 went in.  It sprung a leak.  Oh yea did I mention a port crack too?  Anyway, they slid out band #2 and slid in band #3....  I am kind of at a plateau...  I think mainly from my eating habits.  Tomorrow is a new day and I am bound and determined to lose the rest of this weight!

On the road again....so glad to be on the road again.... 

on 9/11/11 4:45 pm - Athens, GA

I am completely clueless as to WHY you would love you multiple bands?! It just makes NO sense at all!

An erosion. A leak. A cracked port. And you love your band/s????

That just makes NO sense whatsoever!




Karen R.
on 9/11/11 10:55 pm - Gering, NE
AND that is why we live in America!  Because we are all entitled to our opinions. 

On the road again....so glad to be on the road again.... 

on 9/11/11 9:54 pm - TN
Wow, I thought an eroison was a contraindication for re-banding.

Well, if the 3rd isn't the charm, maybe you'll be able to look into a different surgery (if thats a possibility...I guess it would depend on that erosion and how damaged your stomach is). Unless...you just really like to keep having band surgeries?

Best of luck,


(deactivated member)
on 9/11/11 11:17 pm
I always thought erosion was a contra indication for rebanding. Did you keep a tight fill? Did your doc mention why they were comfortable with placing band #2? How long did you have band #2 before problems with it.

I am just full of questions-can you tell?
Karen R.
on 9/12/11 2:39 am - Gering, NE
Hi Michelle, I am at work so will post more to you tonight... I did not have tight fills...but will answer more tonight

On the road again....so glad to be on the road again.... 

on 9/11/11 11:40 pm
Good  luck to you Karen,

Eating habits play such a big role in this and I know what you are going through.  I have gotten very very lazy the last seven weeks on what I am eating.  I dont usually go over my cup of food though I am just plain out making wrong choices for food *sigh*.

To many things going on with football, not being home and eating out or eating stadium hot dogs or nachos has taken over my life .

I am trying to get back on track myself and once  you fall off that track its so hard to get back on it , but we can do this , I have faith in us .

Good Luck and I hope this band dont cause you any problems :o)

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

Ms. Cal Culator
on 9/12/11 12:07 am - Tuvalu
On September 12, 2011 at 6:40 AM Pacific Time, steelerfan1 wrote:
Good  luck to you Karen,

Eating habits play such a big role in this and I know what you are going through.  I have gotten very very lazy the last seven weeks on what I am eating.  I dont usually go over my cup of food though I am just plain out making wrong choices for food *sigh*.

To many things going on with football, not being home and eating out or eating stadium hot dogs or nachos has taken over my life .

I am trying to get back on track myself and once  you fall off that track its so hard to get back on it , but we can do this , I have faith in us .

Good Luck and I hope this band dont cause you any problems :o)

You know, SteelerFan...you--and other Newbie Banders--telling others what life is like with the band and how WONDERFUL it all is, is like some 19 year old asshole who has been married for six months telling everyone what married life is like.

You do not know.

Let me repeat that because it might be hard to see from the short bus.


Rephrased for those who have trouble with the obvious:
YOU ARE ******G CLUELESS AS TO WHAT LIFE WITH THE BAND IS LIKE and have no business saying much more than "so far, so good."

Anything after that is just you trying to convince yourself you mad a good choice and won't be like the HUGE percentage of other banded people who have had many problems...most of which show up afte a couple of years with the band.  So you just go ahead and keep humming REASSURING MANTRAS to yourself because...all things considered...as far as I'm concerned YOU REALLY DESERVE THAT BAND.

on 9/12/11 12:24 am
RNY on 01/12/09 with
I don't have a dog in this fight as I don't have a band and have never had one, but I have to agree with your post. 

I have no problem with those "rooting" for their surgery, but some of the cheerleading kind of does pre-ops and post-ops alike a disservice. 

I am not bashing you steelerfan, but your reply to the OP and many other posts I have read by you kind of make the experience described by the OP seem normal and ok. 

It''s kind of like you (steelerfan) glossed over the fact that the OP has had three bands (one that actually eroded in her stomach), its like you go on in your post ignoring the obvious, simply talking about eat one cup of food.  WHAT?!?!?!  Screw a cup of food, the OP has had 3 bands (her surgeon actually put a third one in)!!!!!!!!!!!

Again Steelerfan, I am not bashing you at all, but I am truly curious, do you think what the OP described is ok?  Would you do the same?  Some of these cheerleading posts are getting a little scary to read, because it does seem to be some real kool-aid drinking going on. 

IMHO, the fact that a surgeon actually put a 3rd band in the OP is absolutely wrong on every level.  Why would the surgeon do that, money????  I just can't see the reasoning behind an honest and ethical surgeon taking such a course of action. 

BTW...sorry Ms. Calculator.  I probably should have just responded directly to Steelerfan. 
on 9/12/11 12:52 am
You know what, what I am not going to do is come down here and jump all over her ass for the choices SHE is making .

She knows what has happened in the past and that is what she wants to do .   The last thing she needs is to come in here and have people jump down her ass for the choices she is making .

I dont care if she has fourteen bands, if that is w hat she wants then that is what she is going to do .  I'm not going to dog her over her decisions.

Maybe she has her reasons as to why she did what she did. Its not my business and its certainly nobody Else business on this board that is between her , her doctor, and her family . 

I'm not being a cheerleader but like I said I'm not going to kick somebody harder when they are already down in the dumps or have been kicked around enough.

I wouldn't do that to you , or anybody else on this damn site .  Call me to nice, call me a ***** call me a ****** cheerleader, call me a idiot or a liar  if that is makes you people feel better.  But I WILL NOT dog somebody on their choices on what they do with their bodies.

Would it make you people feel better for me to say

What the **** are you doing OP ?? Do you realize you are ****** stupid getting that band put in ?? Do you know how people fail at the lap band, ?  Do you know that crap band will probably have to come out in two yrs ?

Do you want me to say that ?  Maybe you call can tell people that, but that isn't me .  I will not talk down to people like that .  

Have a great day Ladies

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

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