Minor bump in the road.. not going to get me down
A month ago I found out my asophogus was dilated. They had to take out 1cc which made me feel very loose. I've gained back about 15lbs but I am determined to lose it again... or at least 5-10 of it. Fifteen was very hard to maintain.
Considering that I started at 304.5, my body struggles to maintain 150lbs... so I will be happy with 155-160.
A week ago I started feeling my restriction again, which I hope means my dilation is down... it's a great feeling! That... along with some "I've had it" thoughts... I kicked my butt into gear.
I am on protein and veggies... exercising daily and doing my best to stay away from the carb monster. So far so good and I feel great!!
Considering that I started at 304.5, my body struggles to maintain 150lbs... so I will be happy with 155-160.
A week ago I started feeling my restriction again, which I hope means my dilation is down... it's a great feeling! That... along with some "I've had it" thoughts... I kicked my butt into gear.
I am on protein and veggies... exercising daily and doing my best to stay away from the carb monster. So far so good and I feel great!!
Sorry Elena. For me it was the esophageal dilation that ended my life with my Band. My esophagus pretty much could not stand the pressure of the band and it was clear that esophageal functioning was affected.
Can you recover from this one - ABSOLUTELY!!! But your esophagus will be damaged forever. My doc says that it's like your esophagus has stretch marks or like when a woman has a baby - ya know it's like those stomach muscles once stretched will never be the same - it's why crazy celebrities schedule c-sections to avoid the last stretch.
The Band will not work on anyone for a lifetime - well unless one had a very brief life.
Good luck,
Can you recover from this one - ABSOLUTELY!!! But your esophagus will be damaged forever. My doc says that it's like your esophagus has stretch marks or like when a woman has a baby - ya know it's like those stomach muscles once stretched will never be the same - it's why crazy celebrities schedule c-sections to avoid the last stretch.
The Band will not work on anyone for a lifetime - well unless one had a very brief life.
Good luck,
I think wt loss and maintaining wt is a constant struggle for everyone, including thin people. Most slim people I know work at it all the time, so why should it be different for everyone else. I am trying to accept that if I am not diligent and thoughtful in my food choices and portions, I will gain weight. The band helps, a lot, but something in my brain is flawed. The more I accept this, the more I accept what I need to do. Good luck, Elena, you are doing great. Life throws things at us, and it sounds like you are back on track.
Hi Elena!
Isn't it crazy that you're at this place? That your only worry is MAINTAINING your weight?! Rather than having 150 pounds to LOSE?! You have done such a phenomenal job, and although those last 15 pounds or so are the hardest to get off and keep off, I have no doubt you'll do it, and do it well. Give yourself a little grace and keep plugging along. With gaining back as much as I did with my pregnancy (having ZERO restriction), it sucks but at the same time in a weird way it showed me that getting the lap band was the right choice and best choice for me. I NEED it to lose weight. Period. And because the band is adjustable, I can take advantage of it again and again. When having no, or little, restriction it becomes easy very quickly to go back to the old way of life and fall into old habits, but there definitely comes a point where you say to yourself, "Enough is enough. I've had enough fun, now it's time to get back to business." It's fun being able to eat what you want again with no limitations, but definitely not as fun as feeling great and looking hot! That's where I am, and it sounds like you are too. Best of luck to you and to me in RE-standing our ground!
Isn't it crazy that you're at this place? That your only worry is MAINTAINING your weight?! Rather than having 150 pounds to LOSE?! You have done such a phenomenal job, and although those last 15 pounds or so are the hardest to get off and keep off, I have no doubt you'll do it, and do it well. Give yourself a little grace and keep plugging along. With gaining back as much as I did with my pregnancy (having ZERO restriction), it sucks but at the same time in a weird way it showed me that getting the lap band was the right choice and best choice for me. I NEED it to lose weight. Period. And because the band is adjustable, I can take advantage of it again and again. When having no, or little, restriction it becomes easy very quickly to go back to the old way of life and fall into old habits, but there definitely comes a point where you say to yourself, "Enough is enough. I've had enough fun, now it's time to get back to business." It's fun being able to eat what you want again with no limitations, but definitely not as fun as feeling great and looking hot! That's where I am, and it sounds like you are too. Best of luck to you and to me in RE-standing our ground!

You're such an inspiration to me- and so many others. Sorry about your bump, but so glad you're feeling good and moving forward.
I hate that carb monster! Just a little taste and suddenly it's calling you back to the street like crack!
Thanks for sharing. It helps to know the reality of how things happen. Even with unbelievable dream makers like you. Keep pressing forward.
You're such an inspiration to me- and so many others. Sorry about your bump, but so glad you're feeling good and moving forward.
I hate that carb monster! Just a little taste and suddenly it's calling you back to the street like crack!
Thanks for sharing. It helps to know the reality of how things happen. Even with unbelievable dream makers like you. Keep pressing forward.
Hi Elena!
So good to see you back on OH!
I'm sorry to hear about the esophael dialation. I'm hoping that it's better.
All my naturally thin friends and some who have become thin, all talk about the last 15 lbs being the hardest. It almost seems that our bodies are designed to keep it on to some degree.
I know for me, I have to keep carbs seriously low (40-60 per day). I can go crazy on carbs, so I can relate.
Good luck!!! I have absolute faith that you will get back on track and be able to lose the weight you are wanting to lose!
~ Lin
So good to see you back on OH!
I'm sorry to hear about the esophael dialation. I'm hoping that it's better.
All my naturally thin friends and some who have become thin, all talk about the last 15 lbs being the hardest. It almost seems that our bodies are designed to keep it on to some degree.
I know for me, I have to keep carbs seriously low (40-60 per day). I can go crazy on carbs, so I can relate.
Good luck!!! I have absolute faith that you will get back on track and be able to lose the weight you are wanting to lose!
~ Lin