Weight Loss participants - I need your 4th week weights!
Hello 6-WEEK weight loss participants!
Today is the end of the fourth week, so I need your current weight.
The following list is what I have up to this week! Hope you all had a great week!
Name Current weight Goal weight Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
paint2heal 168 151 164 162 161
Steelerfan1 289 280 289 285 285
carol468 179 174
Seattlesue* 182 177 178 179
healthyonmyway 221 209 219.5 218 216
kathkeb 154 149 154 153 150
denises63 170 163 169
Jennifer R. 294 280 291 288.8
KENDALL30 154 148
looking4hope 288 278 290 287 282
jla74 204 199 204 202
naph_jam 260 250 260 259 257
Andrea H. 258 248 257 256.5 253.5
cmagouirk 204 199
cheyenne000 176 164 178 176
MaJack 159 149
Swiss58 267 261 263.6 266 262.6
marcy419 210 195 208.6 206.6
fleurdesol 244 ?
sandralila 171 163 169 167 169
Jshivery 246 236 245 244 245
Melanie V. 176 166 175
Anna H. 191 185 189 187 182
sflow67 232 220 231 230 231
LisaCultJam 202.5 190 206.5 199.8 202
tcrowley2007 230 220 230 228 227
marypatf 195 188 194
backtoeden69 271 260 267.5 260 260
mstrip59 176 165 175 174
Pamela Hope 217 200
barbara314 259 250 258 258.5 258.3
aManicCookie 265 255 260.4
speck 190 180
onmyway06062011 235.2 220 232.4 229.7 229.7
Ms Shell 215 209
tarris 183 173 182 181 179.4
melly37 194 187 192
honeybee123 249 235 243 241.5
Amanda L 169 157
Steph M 220 210 220
tamiissunshine 326 299 316
professormom 295 280
Donnamarie 274 260 272 269 267
msjustified1908 270.4 262 269.4 268 266.5
airhead_74 396 380
chris1541 178.6 168 177
onmyway817 220 200
marcy419 211 198 209.1
stampergirl 188 180
happy-mommy 176 168
chillibabie 276 ?
spuddz 213 199 213 213 210
shia98 235 229 235

Name Current weight Goal weight Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
paint2heal 168 151 164 162 161
Steelerfan1 289 280 289 285 285
carol468 179 174
Seattlesue* 182 177 178 179
healthyonmyway 221 209 219.5 218 216
kathkeb 154 149 154 153 150
denises63 170 163 169
Jennifer R. 294 280 291 288.8
KENDALL30 154 148
looking4hope 288 278 290 287 282
jla74 204 199 204 202
naph_jam 260 250 260 259 257
Andrea H. 258 248 257 256.5 253.5
cmagouirk 204 199
cheyenne000 176 164 178 176
MaJack 159 149
Swiss58 267 261 263.6 266 262.6
marcy419 210 195 208.6 206.6
fleurdesol 244 ?
sandralila 171 163 169 167 169
Jshivery 246 236 245 244 245
Melanie V. 176 166 175
Anna H. 191 185 189 187 182
sflow67 232 220 231 230 231
LisaCultJam 202.5 190 206.5 199.8 202
tcrowley2007 230 220 230 228 227
marypatf 195 188 194
backtoeden69 271 260 267.5 260 260
mstrip59 176 165 175 174
Pamela Hope 217 200
barbara314 259 250 258 258.5 258.3
aManicCookie 265 255 260.4
speck 190 180
onmyway06062011 235.2 220 232.4 229.7 229.7
Ms Shell 215 209
tarris 183 173 182 181 179.4
melly37 194 187 192
honeybee123 249 235 243 241.5
Amanda L 169 157
Steph M 220 210 220
tamiissunshine 326 299 316
professormom 295 280
Donnamarie 274 260 272 269 267
msjustified1908 270.4 262 269.4 268 266.5
airhead_74 396 380
chris1541 178.6 168 177
onmyway817 220 200
marcy419 211 198 209.1
stampergirl 188 180
happy-mommy 176 168
chillibabie 276 ?
spuddz 213 199 213 213 210
shia98 235 229 235
Sorry I was out of town last week with no internet access. This week's weigh in was 283.2. No weight for week 3. Thanks!!
Courage is not always a lion's roar. Sometimes, it is a small voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow.
"When you change the way you see things, the things you see will change."
Courage is not always a lion's roar. Sometimes, it is a small voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Diet Plans
"When you change the way you see things, the things you see will change."