Tell me the truth....

(deactivated member)
on 6/22/11 2:04 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
Human beings are not perfect and even if the " person " is at fault....The band is very unforgiving. It's just not worth it.

On the other hand I just don't believe a person can be held responsible for not following the basic band rules when the band doesn't allow you to follow the rules.
I was never able to eat dense protein without coating it in a ton of ranch dressing first and it still would get stuck if I ate more then 2 or 3 bites. I was rarely successful in keeping salads down and I LOVED eating salad. I craved salads, but my band hated salad. In fact my band hated most healthy foods.

I NEVER drank before, during, or after my meals. I ate so unhealthy and STILL managed to keep losing the weight because I was able to get out there and exercise when I wasn't suffering from the chronic pain that was being caused by my band or my MVA.

I became anemic,deficient in vitamin D and my calcium is low DUE TO THE BAND not allowing me to eat the " Bandster Way " I would have loved to be able to eat the " Bandster Way " but was unable to because my band didn't allow me too, and I still kept off the weight.

I lost over 70 lbs with my band and KEPT IT OFF, but only because I worked very hard at it. My band caused me INCREDIBLE PAIN and still does.

So what do you say to people like myself who were unable to follow the rules, lived in severe pain, and still managed to lose and keep all their weight off ?

If a person wants a purely restrictive procedure only then the sleeve or gastric plication is the way to go. For those that don't want their stomach permanently removed they can just have it rolled up like a taquito and then have their stomach shaped like a sleeve. Much better then having the band erode into their stomachs or causing Esophageal dismotility disorder, dysphagia, nerve damage ETC

Oh and how dare you insinuate that people may be lying about following all the bandster rules.

That was really mean of you to insinuate that.

on 6/22/11 3:04 am
Pumpkin do you honestly believe people tell the truth on Internet forums ?  Every single person that belongs to OH is telling the truth when they post  or any forum for that matter it dont even have to be this one . 

Come on you are alot smarter then that .

And I did not point any fingers at anybody on this forum all I said is how do we know people are telling the truth ?  We dont .   Just like you dont know if I'm telling the truth .  You dont know me personally, you dont know  how I truly do the band , you dont know how I really live my life  

I dont want to fight or start a argument with you and this ends up being a shoot out with nasty words and names but if you believe that everybody is ALWAYS telling the truth about things on a public Internet forum then you put your trust way to high on people that you dont know in real life.

And no I did not say everybody is lying on here , but  like I said its the Internet you can say whatever you want whenever you want .

And once again I'm not saying people dont have problems with the band.  I do know that . I could have problems next week or a yr from now . I know that , I knew that going into this surgery.

I could revise to the VSG tomorrow or even the Gastric and have major problems with that surgery .  We dont know what will happen to me till I actually have that procedure done.

WLS to me is like rolling the dice you never know if it will work or not on that one particular person till it's over and done with .

My next door neighbor almost died with the gastric.  I didn't know she had it till we was talking last night.   She was in the hospital for four months with feeding tubes and now she has kidney problems and kidney failure.  She didn't know she was going to have them problems she was 350 pounds and wanted a healthier life and now she is skinny but paying the price for it , with her health, she lost her job as a RN , she lost her husband and her kids . She didnt ask for that but she took the chance with that surgery and it went the other way for her

I could have the same problems , or I could be fine and dandy. I could have the VSG and have nothing but problems leaks,  or anything else that could go wrong.

Like you have had nothing but problems with your band Im totally opposite. I have lost almost 60 pounds without a single fill in my band .  I eat what I want I have no limitations on what I can and cant eat .   

Nobody would have ever told me I would go 7 months without a single fill in my band and losing 60 pounds.   I was told just the opposite on here and I have shown it can be done without a fill.

See that is what I am saying everybody is different, everybdoy reacts to different surgeries. What might be good for you might not be good for me, but we wont know that till it actually happens.

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

Phyllis C.
on 6/22/11 3:29 am

Many of us who have been coming to these boards for quite some time know each other in person.  I have met at least 10 of the bandsters that have had problems and have had their bands removed.  I know they are not lying about their experience.  I beleive the horror stories when I hear them because I experienced them myself.

You are very fortunate.  I truly wish everyone's band experience was like yours. 


"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

on 6/22/11 3:43 am
Thank you Phyllis, I know I am very lucky person.  Knock on wood very hard lol but this has been very easy for me alot easier then it has been on some other folks that get the band and I count my lucky stars every freakin day because I dont know the future I could be back in the hospital tomorrow with major band problems .

But like you just said you know 10 people with problems with the band , well I know ten people that has been successful with the band , and I know about 12 people that has been on deaths door with the gastric bypass or has gained all their weight back plus some.

I will be honest I dont  know anybody with the Sleeve none of my doctors do that surgery around here .  There is just one person in my support group meeting and she has done okay.  She is struggling losing weight with it. , but  no medical problems that I am aware of .

See we all know people that has had major problems with WLS . That just proves there is no perfect surgery out there.  Everybody will react differently to each surgery .

Till there is a perfect surgery we are stuck with what is out there, or we try to do it on own our own :o)

I do wish everyone on here the best with there new surgeries though.  That is the whole purpose is to get healthier and have a good life.   We just have to find what surgery is best for us . 
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

(deactivated member)
on 6/23/11 9:56 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
Of course I don't believe everything I read on here, but I like to at least give each poster the benefit of the doubt until I believe otherwise.  There are so many people who didn't follow the rules of their weight loss surgery, but that doesn't mean that not following the rules was what caused them to have their weight loss surgery fail them. There are way too many things that can go wrong, but it's not always caused by eating the wrong type of food.

That's all I meant.
Nic M
on 6/22/11 1:02 am
I came out of the operating room completely damaged. I was unable to have my band filled and it was too tight even without being filled. Eating solid foods was an absolute impossibility for me.

I didn't have a choice to "stick to a program," personally. I was just trying to stay alive. I prayed to God every single day, but I ignored the answer He was giving. Band out. Everyone I knew was telling me, "Get that thing OUT." I thought the damage was done and I'd get fat again, so I left it. Turns out, the longer it stayed, the more damage it did.

The band is horrible and I'd rather be fat than go through anything even remotely resembling it again in this lifetime.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


(deactivated member)
on 6/22/11 1:25 am
I didn't have a problem where the band took me "weight wise" the only problem I had with the band was that it started to malfunction.  At a certain point my band started getting tighter and tighter on it's own.  My body reacted to it's pressure by building up scar tissue and over time added to the restriction.  That meant that I kept having to have my band unfilled and refilled to find the "sweet spot" of proper restriction. Towards the end of having my band it was hellish even with no fill in the band. Eventually I had a band prolapse and had to have it removed.

Now, to answer your question on was I 100% compliant with the band.  No, nobody is 100% compliant. If you have someone who said they never chewed too fast and got stuck or never ate around the band then you are talking to someone who isn't being completely honest with themselves. I can tell you that I never allowed myself to be overly restricted with a fill.  I always leaned towards the side of caution when it came to being too tight because I wanted to be able to eat properly. I stayed away from slider foods as much as possible as I knew they wouldn't be ideal, but I can't say in the three years that I had the band that I never ate ice cream, I just knew that I needed to limit it drastically.  If I ever had an issue where my stoma was agitated I did revert back to the 24hr liquid, 48 hour mushie, and solid food integration steps to help it heal, but towards the end that meant I was doing this at least every 10 days or so.
on 6/22/11 5:10 am - Vancouver, WA
The first year I was as diligent as they come I ate what my surgeon allowed and exercised as much as I could with my lung disease. Now I was already eating 1000 calories a day for the year before my band so once I was banded there wasn't much change in my diet or exercise because I was already doing what we are supposed to do with the band. I wasn't a volume eater or emotional eater so there was nothing to change there either. For me the band was the totally wrong surgery!
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