need port replacement and new Dr in South Florida
Found a Dr in the south florida area that had great reviews when I moved here less than 2 years ago.
Well not thrilled with his assistant to say the least and the Dr is always in a rush and doesnt do the fills under fluro like my Dr in NJ does. Needless to say he was rushing in his office, went in wrong,I felt every bit of it from the time he stuck me lasting up to a week, and he put a hole in the tubing of my port. within days there was no restriction, and he had me come back and do three refills in one month before he would believe me when I said there had to be a hole. His assistant said, its impossible, if it is true I would be the first one in that practice to have that problem. His response, well he doubts there would be a hole if there is one he would find it but sometimes the ports need tweaking, we'll call you to schedule surgery just go home, 3 weeks later his assistant calls to see how much fill the dr put in because he never put it in the file. Yeah ok, not letting him touch me again, I fly back to NJ to see my original surgeon, who knows me and how well I know my band, schedules me for surgery in two weeks. Well the port will now be replaced with the new low profile port and I am scared to death to go back to that Dr, if he messed up this badly with the high profile port he will be a disaster with the low profile. Also since under this new drs care I have put on 30 lbs, his assistant said its my own fault because I should be getting filled every 6 weeks. thats a bunch of junk since I lost 70 lbs before I got to them, going when I no longer felt restriction not on a schedule of every 6 weeks. sometimes it was 4 weeks sometimes it was 3 months. So heres my dilema, I need anyone out there who LOVES their surgeon in the south florida area preferrably not far from the Boca/ Delray Beach area to send me the info. otherwise I will be flying back to NJ ALOT to get back on track. JetBlue is gonna love me!
Well not thrilled with his assistant to say the least and the Dr is always in a rush and doesnt do the fills under fluro like my Dr in NJ does. Needless to say he was rushing in his office, went in wrong,I felt every bit of it from the time he stuck me lasting up to a week, and he put a hole in the tubing of my port. within days there was no restriction, and he had me come back and do three refills in one month before he would believe me when I said there had to be a hole. His assistant said, its impossible, if it is true I would be the first one in that practice to have that problem. His response, well he doubts there would be a hole if there is one he would find it but sometimes the ports need tweaking, we'll call you to schedule surgery just go home, 3 weeks later his assistant calls to see how much fill the dr put in because he never put it in the file. Yeah ok, not letting him touch me again, I fly back to NJ to see my original surgeon, who knows me and how well I know my band, schedules me for surgery in two weeks. Well the port will now be replaced with the new low profile port and I am scared to death to go back to that Dr, if he messed up this badly with the high profile port he will be a disaster with the low profile. Also since under this new drs care I have put on 30 lbs, his assistant said its my own fault because I should be getting filled every 6 weeks. thats a bunch of junk since I lost 70 lbs before I got to them, going when I no longer felt restriction not on a schedule of every 6 weeks. sometimes it was 4 weeks sometimes it was 3 months. So heres my dilema, I need anyone out there who LOVES their surgeon in the south florida area preferrably not far from the Boca/ Delray Beach area to send me the info. otherwise I will be flying back to NJ ALOT to get back on track. JetBlue is gonna love me!
My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold.
And while you're out there, gettin' where your gettin' to I hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same thing to, this is my wish. -Rascal Flats