Can't we get along?
Well there is to much drama on this board . I feel that we ALL should feel good about one thing; we had WLS to make our lives better, to feel healthier and to live longer. No matter what road you took it is working NOW and is that what counts? Everything has good things about it and bad. I think getting the band was a good choice for me, but I am not going to bash anyone that had a different type of surgery. I wish everyone here success, not matter what surgery you had!
Here is to a long, healthy and happy life!
Well,actually, my lapband nearly killed me and I'm on my own now. I have adhesions and tons of other ill effects from the lapband. It was the MOST horrible experience I ever went through... daily, chronic, SCARY, life threatening pain. And I've seen it happen to too many of my friends to keep my mouth shut.. I don't see why people see speaking candidly is "band bashing." What I'M trying to do is HELP people in the only way I can... through words on a message board directed toward potential lapbanding patients. I don't need everyone to like me, quite honestly, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just kept my mouth shut. I'm the same way with anything I feel strongly about... child welfare, animal welfare, matters of spirituality, etc.
I can't even begin to ask people to understand the pain that the lapband caused me... and it doesn't matter if they don't. But, I'll never stop trying to at least warn others about the possible outcomes... whether people see it as "bashing" or not. I can only hope that people can see that I'm offering a perspective that they NEED to know about. If you go back through the history on this board, you'll see many posts where people are totally confused about what's happening and without those of us who went through complications, they would stay confused, I'm afraid.
I wish you a long, healthy and happy life, as well.
edited for clarity
I can't even begin to ask people to understand the pain that the lapband caused me... and it doesn't matter if they don't. But, I'll never stop trying to at least warn others about the possible outcomes... whether people see it as "bashing" or not. I can only hope that people can see that I'm offering a perspective that they NEED to know about. If you go back through the history on this board, you'll see many posts where people are totally confused about what's happening and without those of us who went through complications, they would stay confused, I'm afraid.
I wish you a long, healthy and happy life, as well.
edited for clarity
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Having a band has been the BEST experience for me EVER! Unfortunately, the same does not apply for many...and I sympathize and respect their stories and opinions.
Use your block button if it bothers you and you will have a MUCH better OH experience. I learned this early on when I was a bit more sensitive to reading certain posts. Then eventually, I felt stronger due to my glorious band experience and decided I could read and support the good, bad and ugly - so I unblocked everyone again. You have to find what works for you and what makes this the best experience possible - because that is what it's all about!
Welcome to the boards. I'm here for you!!! :)
Use your block button if it bothers you and you will have a MUCH better OH experience. I learned this early on when I was a bit more sensitive to reading certain posts. Then eventually, I felt stronger due to my glorious band experience and decided I could read and support the good, bad and ugly - so I unblocked everyone again. You have to find what works for you and what makes this the best experience possible - because that is what it's all about!
Welcome to the boards. I'm here for you!!! :)
After years of being on so many committiees, groups and fellowships I have learned one thing: Humans annoy each other occassionally. :) Now that Ive understated things....
We all come from different childhoods, different, life style choices, different socio-economic backgrounds, different life experiences and different moral-ethical beleif systems...there is GOING to be friction whether out right or subliminal.
It's ok to debate or disagree, thats how I learn. Hell, debate with me, you may teach me something! But the line should be drawn at personal attacks or, as the other ladies stated, something that is just not ok with you. Simply blocking works. I have found that many talk about the person they have had some harsh feelings with or have been wronged by and find it only adds gas to the fire and doesnt allow ME or the other person, to move on.
I hope you will sift through the humaness on the boards and find the things you need the most. Take heart; basically, under it all, MOST people are good and want to help and share experiences.
We all come from different childhoods, different, life style choices, different socio-economic backgrounds, different life experiences and different moral-ethical beleif systems...there is GOING to be friction whether out right or subliminal.
It's ok to debate or disagree, thats how I learn. Hell, debate with me, you may teach me something! But the line should be drawn at personal attacks or, as the other ladies stated, something that is just not ok with you. Simply blocking works. I have found that many talk about the person they have had some harsh feelings with or have been wronged by and find it only adds gas to the fire and doesnt allow ME or the other person, to move on.
I hope you will sift through the humaness on the boards and find the things you need the most. Take heart; basically, under it all, MOST people are good and want to help and share experiences.