Getting Nervous about the band

Phyllis C.
on 6/8/11 1:52 am
Your eating habits may have very little to do with whether the band works for you or not.  Basically you will have very little control over the band even if you follow all of the rules and in some cases especially if you follow the rules.

From someone who has lived with both, band and sleeve, follow your sisters lead and go for the sleeve.  The experience and aftercare issues are light years ahead of the band.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

on 6/8/11 8:02 am - Vancouver, WA
You MAY have a chance with the band since you don't have alot to lose but the problem is you never know if the band will work for you until after you get it. I'm not a volume eater and I followed the rules religiously and still only lost 20 lbs. so hardly worth the effort. I strongly suggest anyone thinking of the band to go for the sleeve instead. You'll have a much better chance of success and no crazy time with fills and unfills. I personally would follow your sister!
on 6/8/11 8:25 am

I was originally going to get a band, was scheduled for surgery and everything, but divine intervention not only kept me from it, but started me on the research and sleeve-consideration path you're on now (you can read about it on my blog).

I'm a pros and cons kinda gal, so this is a rough idea of what my thought process looked like:

Restriction only (no malabsorption)

High maintenance (fills, unfills)
Costly maintenance if insurance lapses for any reason
If you switch jobs, some insurance companies won't cover new enrollees who're banded
Risk of band erosion
Risk of flipped port
Risk of faulty tubing
Risk of leaking saline
Risk of a slipped band
Lowest success rate of all the WLS methods
Lowest % of excess weight loss of all the WLS methods
Many banded patients require one (or more) surgeries to correct problems
Potential to get stuck, throw up (in some cases daily or several times/day)
Potential for ongoing pain/discomfort at the port site
Some foods are always problematic and can no longer be eaten (chicken, salads, etc.)

Restriction only (no malabsorption)
Low (immediately post-op) to no (a bit further out) maintenance
Stomach functions as it always has, just with reduced capacity
No getting stuck
No throwing up (with the possible exception for some in the immediate post-op period)
Little to no risk beyond the 3 month mark (band risks increase over time)
Once healed up, there are no foods that can't be eaten

Risk of leaks (typically only within first 3 months as scar tissue forms)
Risk of strictures (scar tissue blocks stomach opening... fixable)

If you're interested in reading some of the research that informed my decision to switch, you'll find a synopsis and links to articles in my VSG appeal letter blog post.

I'd also echo the others who said you should check out the VSG forum and would suggest you ask about band experiences on the Revision forum as well.

Good luck with whatever you choose!

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