band unfill
I have had my band for 2 years now. The Wednesday before Mothr's Day i had a fill. By Mother's day i was in trouble. i felt like I had a rubber band under my breasts and abasketball for a stomach.. I called the doctor office and was tolf by his nurse that is was normal. Well by that afernoon i was in so much pain i couldn't stand it. Doctor 's office was closed to i went to ER and had a cat scan and was told everything was and 8 hours later i was sent home. the next morning i was still hurting so i talk the fill nurse. she said to come in and she unfilled me relieve, She said that now I should be scoped. So i did that. The Doctor said my band was at the bottom of my esp. and not to get it refilled. But how the band doctor wants to refill. What do i do?
What do you mean "the band was at the bottom of my esp"? Has it slipped and is irritating your esophagus? It's unclear.
If your band is not in the correct position to function properly do NOT get it filled. It will cause esophageal problems.
Have you ever had problems like this before? Or did it start at Mother's Day? If it's a new occurrence, your band might have slipped and you'll either have to keep the band unfilled for an indefinite period of time or have corrective surgery, probably.
Good luck. Hope it all works out for you.
If your band is not in the correct position to function properly do NOT get it filled. It will cause esophageal problems.
Have you ever had problems like this before? Or did it start at Mother's Day? If it's a new occurrence, your band might have slipped and you'll either have to keep the band unfilled for an indefinite period of time or have corrective surgery, probably.
Good luck. Hope it all works out for you.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI