anyone else???
I am about 2.5 mths out from surgery and I'm completely exhausted
. To the point that I have trouble driving home from work, its only a 20 min drive. The docs said that I have low Vit D and suffering from depression. I haven't started either med yet, due to no money till Friday. Those wouldnt contribute that much to exhaustion would it? I do take to Flinstones vitamins daily.....
Any suggestions or thoughts?

Any suggestions or thoughts?
on 6/1/11 2:08 pm
on 6/1/11 2:08 pm
I supplement my adult multi-vitamin with between 5,000 and 10,000 IU of Vit D3 per day.
Usualy at Walgreens I can buy the 'buy 1 get 1 free' on the Vit D3 5,000 IU - and then I take 1 - 2 per day.
My Vit D3 was very low and my Intact PTH (Parathyroid) was very low --after 90 days of supplementing at 10K units per day, they reversed.
So, both my D and Parathyroid were within normal limits ----- now I take 5,000 IU per day to maintain
Usualy at Walgreens I can buy the 'buy 1 get 1 free' on the Vit D3 5,000 IU - and then I take 1 - 2 per day.
My Vit D3 was very low and my Intact PTH (Parathyroid) was very low --after 90 days of supplementing at 10K units per day, they reversed.
So, both my D and Parathyroid were within normal limits ----- now I take 5,000 IU per day to maintain
I suffer from bi-polar. When I was deppressed (been stable on meds. for about a year) I was exhausted. It is a symptom of deppression for sure. I spent almost whole days in bed. If the medication prescribed by your regular doctor doesn't work, I would highly reccomend seeing a psychiatrist. They specialize in these things. Also, some therapy might help. Do you think you were eating to "stuff emotions", reduce stess extra? Therapy will help you come up with healthier options. Hopefully you have insurance to help pay for what you need. Best wishes! Hope you feel better soon.
You may want to consider changing Flintstones to an adult chewable. Flintstones just aren't enough for most adults, even when taking two. Centrum chewables are what my PCP and surgeon recommend for bandsters.
D3 will help. I take 5000iu daily.
I also take b-12 sublingually (under the tongue .. absorbs much better than oral) and a b-100.
D3 will help. I take 5000iu daily.
I also take b-12 sublingually (under the tongue .. absorbs much better than oral) and a b-100.
I want to give you some hope by telling you about my own experience with being low in my Vit. D. About a year ago I finally reached bottom and went to my Dr. for help. I had been extremely tired for about 4 months, but when the depression set in I new that I needed help. My Dr. found through blood work that my Vit. D was well below the normal range. I talked with a Dietian that gave me great advise on how I should take my vitamins for greater absorption. I took my Vit. D and Calcium together with my meals for greatest absorption because Vit D is a fat soluable vitamin. It was also recommended that I take two of the Flintstones Complete multi-vitamin with iron twice a day, but not at the same time as I take the Vit. D and Calcium. I have a Publix in my area that sells the store brand that is a lot less expensive. My Dr. also said that it takes a while for the levels to increase. After about five months I had my levels retested and they were in the normal range and I felt 100% better. This was a lesson that I learned the hard way and I don't want to revisit it again. Take your vitamins and follow up with your Dr. and I am certain that you will feel better as I certainly did. Through research and by talking with my Dr. I learned that the Vit. D., Calcium, parathyroid and your phosopherus levels all work together to keep the levels in balance.. Best of luck to you and keep us posted on how you are feeling.