Surgeon/facility fee
My surgery scheduled for June 30th. To my knowledge up until today I assumed I would only have to pay the 20 percent facility fee which is around 1000.My insurance pays everything else. Today I find out there is a 1000 surgeon fee. I was told in initial session and doctors appointment that since they are based out of the hospital there is program fee but I was unaware of surgeon fee. Is the surgeon fee something everyone has to pay and can I negotiate. I was prepared to pay the 1000 but to double that in month is going o be too hard. Has anyone ever done a payment plan after the surgery. I don’t want to ask them if is a ridiculous question?
Same sort of thing happened to me. I would tell them you are not prepared to pay that and they are going to ask you about borrowing it or getting credit for it but I would stand fast and even throw in maybe having to postpone or cancel the whole thing since it is only a month away and I bet they will at that point work with you. I still had to take out a small 401K loan for what I did have to pay. Be prepared to have to possibly pay UPFRONT any amts that you will owe after ins. kicks in. I thought cool they will bill me after surgery for what I owe and I will pay it off and was prepared to pay my deductables up front then but no they had it all figured up and expected it all before my surgery.I was lucky we have a 1500.00 maximum family out of pocket amt so that was the absolute most I had to come up with but they wanted it upfront since this is elective not emeregency surgery. I would ask both your surgeon's office AND the hospital exactly what you will owe before you check in cause in my case it was two totally different bills. The Dr bill I was not expecting at all either I thought the sheet she gave me breaking it all down covered all that. :( But I said hey look I can bring X amt and will make payments on the rest and they said they had to get clearance that since it was elective they did not make pymt arrangements but finally ok ed a pymt plan and I am making payments. Just be honest and firm about what you can do ! Remember they are going to make a crap ton off your surgery from ins so they really are not going to want to lose that over a small amt (which is big to us lol).Call them and see what you can work out.Good luck!!!!