Spring/summer clothes shopping

on 5/14/11 7:06 am - Canandaigua, NY
RNY on 07/02/12
I've been back and forth with my decision to do this WLS. (I've done more research than one probably should) I've been so anxious since I finally started meeting with my doctor and such.  Literally everyday I change my mind. 

I went to grab some clothes today and it just reminded me once again how totally sad I am.  Sad about my weight and my apperance.  I don't want to live like this.  So I'm going to do my pre-op with avengance.  Loose my needed weight, do whatever appointments I need to do... whatever it takes and I'm going through with this.

K.. that was my little rant.
Just had my RNY on 7.2.12!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!         
on 5/14/11 8:02 am
I know how you feel. I have been the same way. I researched it to death and then decided to do it. Then I kept changing my mind. I decided to keep up with all my appt. anf join WW. I went to buy shirts the other day I had to buy a 3x or 4x depending on the shirt. then my hubby put them in the dryer and I cried because now they don't hang down past my tummy. I just can't live this way. My feet hurt, I am tired, and I am sad. June 17 here I come. GOOD LUCK!
on 5/14/11 9:03 am
 I remember having one comfortable bra, and waiting for it to dry before I went out. Now I have about 12 bras, and all are comfortable. 
crystal M.
on 5/14/11 9:52 am - Joliet, IL

I waited years to get my surgery.  I kept putting it off for one reason or another.  I finally got my surgery back in 2008 and I wouldn't have done it any different.  I was 344 I have lost 150 lbs so far and have another 45 lbs to go!!!  I had to buy all new clothes for the Summer because last year I wore a 24 this year I am wearing 14/16!!!  I had so much fun.  I can shop in the misses department.  It's really wonderful.  I keep wondering why I waited around so long. 

I'm not saying you should do it I am just saying in my case it was the best decision I ever made!!!

on 5/14/11 2:28 pm - NY

Yay to you!I was on the fence ever since 2006! So i know exactly how you feel!  I actually walked the mall for about 6 hours today and left with just body wash.  Shopping is the worse for me because i limit myself due to my self conscienceness.  Deciding to do the surgery is the first step to what could be an amazing journey! Good Luck!

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