Full Liquid Diet Question??

on 5/6/11 2:51 pm
I am to start my Full Liquid Diet on Thursday.  In preparation I am planning what I can and can not eat.  I LOVE Greek Yogurt... It is good protein... SO does that count as a liquid?  I see the surgeon Friday and will ask... but just curious now.  Thanks!

Surgery scheduled for May 19, 2011.
My birthday is May 22, Happy Birthday to me!!!!!

on 5/6/11 3:21 pm
My doc considered yogurt sf pudding sf jello as liquids but every doc is different
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 5/6/11 8:58 pm - SoCal
 I would say no. I was allowed protein shakes, s/f drinks, s/f pudding, s/f Jell-O, s/f popsicles and broth.
Amy in CA 

Lori O.
on 5/6/11 9:26 pm - Canada
I was only allowed protein shakes, water, coffee (decaf) and tea - greek yogurt is quite thick so I would not expect that to qualify as a liquid.  Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 5/6/11 10:32 pm - Des Moines, IA
I was allowed to have yogurt on Full liquids, but I didn't use Greek yogurt at the time.
Lisa H.
on 5/7/11 12:29 am
WLS on 05/19/11
 Im in the middle of my full liquid diet and yogurt is allowed as long as it is smooth. That is, no seed or fruit chunks. Good luck! 
(deactivated member)
on 5/7/11 2:10 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
What about liquid yogurt ?

on 5/7/11 7:05 am
Thank You everyone!  I didn't even think about the fruit chunks in the yogurt.  Drinkable yogurt is a good option also.  I really love Greek Yogurt... plus I love the protein!

Surgery scheduled for May 19, 2011.
My birthday is May 22, Happy Birthday to me!!!!!

on 5/7/11 7:30 am
On my Full liquids plan, I was allowed to have yogurt (really, anything that you could suck through a straw)

I usually had yogurt in the morning

I made Cream soups (chicken, mushroom) and I put a little bit of salsa juice in it to spice it up a bit

I was allowed to have applesauce

I made my own pudding from the box, adding protein powder before I mixed in the milk

Usually, I was able to eat about 1/4 cup at a time (4 tablespoons -- eaten with a baby spoon) -- so I ate 7 or 8 times a day.

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