on 5/3/11 12:54 am - Clearwater/St. Pete, FL
One week into my pre op diet...  And this morning I'm ready to gnaw my own arm off.  So far it's been pretty easy, but today I must just be extra hungry. 

So far today I've had my protein drink.  Oh yay.

I'm taking my mom's advice, and repeating my 2yr olds favorite phrase to myself over and over...  "I DOOOOOO IIIIIIIT!!!!!"  But do what?  Gnaw my arm off?  Or work through it??  Lol...  I can't decide.

I hope they deliver lunch soon...  baked chicken breast and side salad has never sounded so good!
Nic M
on 5/3/11 1:21 am
I feel for you!   Ever since I had my band removed, I never ever feel full. My nerves were damaged by the band and for some reason, it causes my stomach to always feel empty! It's cruel, I tell ya!

Just keep reminding yourself that it's just temporary... you can do it.   It sure is hard, though, isn't it?!

I think I'm having a baked chicken breast and veggies for lunch today, too. Sounds good! 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 5/3/11 2:18 am - Clearwater/St. Pete, FL
OH ACK!!!  I feel for you, too!!  That has to be hard, especially since one of the reasons to get the band is so you dont' feel full any more!!  but i guess, even if you had to have it taken out, you got an idea of how to eat better??  i'm sorry to hear it didn't work out, though.   

I made it to lunch, though.  :)  And enjoyed my chicken and salad.  Also took a bite of potato to satisfy the carb craving, and tossed the rest in the garbage.  That seems to satisfy me.  Yesterday, I licked some rice off a spoon and that worked too.  Lol.  I know it's cheating, but i figure it's better than letting myself get to the point where i just sit down with a hunk of chocolate cake and the ice cream thats still left in the freezer.  :)  
Nic M
on 5/3/11 2:25 am
I DO know how to eat better... but I eat too much, for sure. I know this. No denial for me!  (Well, OK, maybe a little denial.) 

You are doing great. I don't think licking rice off a spoon is gonna get you in too much trouble. 

If that cake starts calling for you, just remember that it's full of bugs. I mean, really. The cake is so full of bug legs and larvae, it's not even funny. You totally don't want it.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 5/3/11 7:32 am - Bristol, Canada
Are you on the liquid optifast drinks?  I was told 4 of them per day and honestly I got so sick of them I couldn't do more than 3!  I substituted veggies; steamed or sauteed with some lemon on them and once every couple of days a small piece of chicken.  I also added tomato juice and all of this was ok according to my dietician.  I must say though that I really wasn't hungry.  Talk to your dietician or nutritionist and get some advice because it shouldn't be too hard to follow.  That having been said, perhaps some of the hunger is mental and for most of us that's the issue.  I just stopped listening to my head and feel fabulous now and wish the same for you.  I had surgery Feb 18th and I've lost 35 pounds with no fill and think this is the best thing I've ever done.  All the best on your journey. 
on 5/4/11 2:21 am - Clearwater/St. Pete, FL
YES...  But my Dr. only requires 2 a day, with green veggies and lean meat for your third meal.  Yay!!

Considering I'm a carb queen, my body isn't too happy with me right now.  It grumbles at me all the time.  My PCP was listening to my tummy in the office the other day and laughing as it said "hello".  Lol.  I wi**** was all in my head, but when my stomach cramps up and my coworker can hear it, I know there has to be more to it than that!!
I'm not necessarily sticking to the "green"...  As you said, my dietician said most veggies were ok, just needed to stay away from the high sugar/high carb stuff.  And thankfully allowed to use seasonings and olive oil in moderation. 

But I'm muddling through.  Made it to lunch.  And this morning was a little easier.  I'm sure I'll make it, but sometimes ya just gotta vent.  Yanno? 
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