Protien drink and breakfast
I have a protein shake or a homemade NFSF latte or mocha every morning as a way to get protein first thing in the morning. I have not been able to eat solid food until around noon since very early after my surgery - even when I had very little restriction, I was always tight in the morning. But I always wake up hungry so I need something to get a little protein in the morning. Alot of people are like this and it's not a problem. It's the only time I do have a shake unless I've had a fill. Otherwise I try to get my protein from solid sources. I do think you need to be eating more solid protein for lunch and the rest of the day. Maybe you could move your greek yogurt up to breakfast and then have tuna or something for lunch. And you need to add some veggies into the program as well. And fruit. Maybe for a snack consider having half an apple with peanut butter for a change every once in awhile. Just a thought.
Good luck!

I think it is better to be less filled so your not so tight in the morning. I find a hot beverage is helpful to relax any tightness before breakfast. I do miss the protein shakes in the morning but I'm working on getting over that feeling. After all my kidneys are too important to damage!!!
Be careful with protein shakes !!!
Have a great day everyday !
I do a protein drink after my workouts that has 23 grams of protein. Many times, I'll make it with 16 oz of water and drink half of it one day and save the other half for the next. I do need to have my labs run again soon, it will be interesting to see what they are.
Glad that your physician caught the protein spilling into your urine.
I just had all my bloodwork done and my protein levels were fine. In fact they were actually in the low normal range which kind of surprised me. I assumed they'd be higher.
A hot drink doesn't help me in the morning. I drink coffee or hot tea every morning when I wake - so I'm drinking by 6:30, but I still can't eat solid protein until around 11 at the earliest. I am always hungry in the morning, so I need something before 11. And I'm not too tight, but 11 I can eat anything. But I do appreciate the caution. It may depend on how much solid protein you're consuming along with the shake, I don't know. This is why we need to have blood work done yearly. I found out this time that I'm Vit D deficient, so I'm working on that.