Addicted to Food on Oprah Network

Jo 1962
on 4/27/11 10:26 pm - NearHouston, TX
So, I had the tv to myself last night since DH wanted a good nights sleep before his first 24 hour shift.  I landed on Addicted to Food.  I have seen parts of the 1st and 2nd episode...this was the 4th episode that featured a lot about Amy,  Amy had Gastric Bypass 5 years ago and has learned to eat around her WLS apparently.     She has been having trouble finishing her plate, a requirement of the program.    I was getting steamed at the director for being so hard on her.  What have I been missing??     The director told Amy she wasnt trying hard enough and maybe wasn't serious enough about healing  her addiction because she wouldn't  follow the eating program.     No one was allowed to leave the dinner table til Amy finished all her food.  The food that was left on the plate looked like a huge amount! Amy tried to explain that YES, she DID eat all day but not ALL at ONE time!   Everyone started ganging up on her.  For someone who is supposed to be a specialist on eating disorders, she didn't seem to know much about WLS.

Just  wondering if anyone else felt the same or could explain what I am missing here. 

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



on 4/28/11 6:56 am - Rio Rancho, NM
VSG on 04/03/12
I didn't see that episode......I think I saw the first one, though. they were wanting her to stretch out her pouch??  That's not good!! Just because she does and can eat around RNY doesn't mean she has neceassarily stretched her pouch. 

  LapBand Surgery 01/10/08, Revison to Sleeve 04/03/12

on 4/28/11 7:39 am - Vancouver, WA
At first I thought they were picking on her then I realized she was indeed playing head games with them and herself. Later in the show they readjusted her amount to eat and she still was complaining. It seems like other addicts she too used food to control situations. So it seems they did know what they were talking about. Food is more than nourishment to addicts, it is a way to control or hide from emotions or used for everything other than food. I find it very interesting that there is so much underlying emotion to the addiction. Now they just have to get Ruby over there!
Jo 1962
on 4/28/11 8:08 pm - NearHouston, TX
Thanks for the replies Melly & Hislady!

I guess with any editted show, there's more to the story.  It just seemed that the amount of food on her plate looked enormous.  Of course, before my lapband, it probably would look normal to me.    

Right on about Ruby!

5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband  (four  fills) 1 unfill of .5cc  on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill  March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012.  Unfill of .5cc June 2014.

Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since

last small unfill.

HW: 267lbs- size 22-24  LW:194lbs  CW:198lbs  Size 14-16



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