I Just Have One Question................
Why do you all constantly want to argue and INSULT me and say I am wrong b/c of MY experience????????
I drive a Toyota. I happen to like my Toyota. Now if I'm on a Toyota forum...............and someone starts a thread saying they HATE Toyota's b/c they bought their's NEW and it ONLY drives in reverse so it's a POS b/c it doesn't work as advertised.................... Do you ppl think I would care? Really??? Do you think I would go all NUTSO on them like some of you all have done to me b/c of MY Lap-Band experience???????????? Do you think I would insult them and tell them NOT to post on the Toyota forum b/c they have NO right to b/c their Toyota experience is different from mine and most Toyota owners?! Do you think I would trash them like Jean and Naiomi and many other "support ppl" have done to me???
And an even more rediculous point............. do you think I would insult them b/c I personally didn't like their CHOICE OF COLOR OR FONT SIZE?!?!?!?
Do you all not see how moronic that would be if I did that?! No? I didn't think so! I give up!
LOL - well, other than not being a fan of the red, you're cool with me, Maria.
You and I disagree all the time, but we've managed to agree to disagree and remain, well, friends on here. And I have to confess, if I had put all my time and emotional effort into the band and had it never work for me, no matter what I tried, I'd be pissed, too.
And compared to some of the true douchebags that inhabit OH, you're Mother ******g Theresa!

And compared to some of the true douchebags that inhabit OH, you're Mother ******g Theresa!

Well I say this is the perfect place to vent. So if the Band didn't work for you then vent. I for one don't get upset or insulted if someone talks about their expeirences...even bad ones. I for one don't want to only hear about the wonderful stories.
Oh and I have a Toyota and I would take it as a personal slam if you went on the Toyota website and bashed Toyotas!!!! hahaha!!!!
Oh and I have a Toyota and I would take it as a personal slam if you went on the Toyota website and bashed Toyotas!!!! hahaha!!!!
I can only speak for myself and tell you how I felt when I still had my band and thinking/hoping it was going to work. I feared I would be in the same position as the *****ers someday, and I was.
We used to have legendary surgery wars on this site years back. A few ex banders and some DSers would come over here and "state their opinions" I still don't agree with the tactics of some.
But if you are having problems or have had a band fail, you should come here and be able to get support. You shouldn't have to have some judgmental know it all point a finger at you and accuse you of "not following the rules." It is totally counterproductive to all involved.
I can't count the number of people who have had to eat their words, myself included. Words went down better than food did in my case though.
We used to have legendary surgery wars on this site years back. A few ex banders and some DSers would come over here and "state their opinions" I still don't agree with the tactics of some.
But if you are having problems or have had a band fail, you should come here and be able to get support. You shouldn't have to have some judgmental know it all point a finger at you and accuse you of "not following the rules." It is totally counterproductive to all involved.
I can't count the number of people who have had to eat their words, myself included. Words went down better than food did in my case though.
"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."
Sweetpea, when people decide to do somethin life-changing (like get a lap-band) they don't want to hear any failure stories. They're too happy with their thumbs in their ears singing "LA LA LA LA LA LA..." And that's how they want to remain.
People don't like getting slapped in the face with reality. They just don't.
I still love you!!!
People don't like getting slapped in the face with reality. They just don't.
I still love you!!!
On April 26, 2011 at 5:58 AM Pacific Time, Janine P. wrote:
Sweetpea, when people decide to do somethin life-changing (like get a lap-band) they don't want to hear any failure stories. They're too happy with their thumbs in their ears singing "LA LA LA LA LA LA..." And that's how they want to remain. People don't like getting slapped in the face with reality. They just don't.
I still love you!!!
Yeah that's true. There was actually a lady that posted yesterday or the day before that actually came right out and said that she only wanted to hear the happy band stories. U know.......head in the sand mentality. Kinda sad huh?
now if your refering to my response to Maria (which seems to have been deleted)... lets get it straight, i wasnt "making fun" of her avatar... thats a nasty thing to do. I was MERELY stating the obvious... that she is older than me and I seem largely baffled as to why she acts most comparably like a child.
i started a thread wanting to know that despite the terrifying things ive read is anyone really happy w/ their decision... i mean just because something is working out for you doesnt mean your really happy... (humans can be that way sometimes) So that was my question... wanting to know if anyone was happy w/ their decision...
and I was getting some positive but honest answers... no one was sugarcoating ****! and then along comes Maria attacking me about how my thread was pointless and all these "happy" people are gonna eventually wind up miserable and y am i here if i only want to read happy things and that i had a head in the sand perspective, and that she is annoyed how people subliminally mention a group of people because they are too afraid to address them directly... WTF?! that caught my COMPLETELY off guard. im a newbie here and I knew absolutly nothing of the apparent "beef" people have between their choice of WLS which is pure bull**** in my opinion we all made our choices to improve our health... AND to make matters WORSE, she subliminally mentioned me in this thread even tho I responded to her THREE different times that my post had NOTHING to do with her I DONT EVEN KNOW HER... but CLEARLY she was looking to bully someone, and i REFUSE to let that person be me.
that is all...
i started a thread wanting to know that despite the terrifying things ive read is anyone really happy w/ their decision... i mean just because something is working out for you doesnt mean your really happy... (humans can be that way sometimes) So that was my question... wanting to know if anyone was happy w/ their decision...
and I was getting some positive but honest answers... no one was sugarcoating ****! and then along comes Maria attacking me about how my thread was pointless and all these "happy" people are gonna eventually wind up miserable and y am i here if i only want to read happy things and that i had a head in the sand perspective, and that she is annoyed how people subliminally mention a group of people because they are too afraid to address them directly... WTF?! that caught my COMPLETELY off guard. im a newbie here and I knew absolutly nothing of the apparent "beef" people have between their choice of WLS which is pure bull**** in my opinion we all made our choices to improve our health... AND to make matters WORSE, she subliminally mentioned me in this thread even tho I responded to her THREE different times that my post had NOTHING to do with her I DONT EVEN KNOW HER... but CLEARLY she was looking to bully someone, and i REFUSE to let that person be me.
that is all...