I Just Have One Question................
On April 26, 2011 at 12:30 PM Pacific Time, dhenault wrote:
Maria - If I drove a Toyota and didn't like it - I wouldn't go on a post that was praising Toyotas!! I'd find a different one. Just saying....~ On April 26, 2011 at 12:30 PM Pacific Time, dhenault wrote: Maria - If I drove a Toyota and didn't like it - I wouldn't go on a post that was praising Toyotas!! I'd find a different one. Just saying....~
Lets see.............Did I say anything about going on a post that was praising Toyotas??? NO! Just saying.............
As a matter of fact, you did....
Why do you all constantly want to argue and INSULT me and say I am wrong b/c of MY experience????????
I drive a Toyota. I happen to like my Toyota. Now if I'm on a Toyota forum...............and someone starts a thread saying they HATE Toyota's b/c they bought their's NEW and it ONLY drives in reverse so it's a POS b/c it doesn't work as advertised.................... Do you ppl think I would care? Really??? Do you think I would go all NUTSO on them like some of you all have done to me b/c of MY Lap-Band experience???????????? Do you think I would insult them and tell them NOT to post on the Toyota forum b/c they have NO right to b/c their Toyota experience is different from mine and most Toyota owners?! Do you think I would trash them like Jean and Naiomi and many other "support ppl" have done to me???
And an even more rediculous point............. do you think I would insult them b/c I personally didn't like their CHOICE OF COLOR OR FONT SIZE?!?!?!?
Do you all not see how moronic that would be if I did that?! No? I didn't think so! I give up!

Why do you all constantly want to argue and INSULT me and say I am wrong b/c of MY experience????????
I drive a Toyota. I happen to like my Toyota. Now if I'm on a Toyota forum...............and someone starts a thread saying they HATE Toyota's b/c they bought their's NEW and it ONLY drives in reverse so it's a POS b/c it doesn't work as advertised.................... Do you ppl think I would care? Really??? Do you think I would go all NUTSO on them like some of you all have done to me b/c of MY Lap-Band experience???????????? Do you think I would insult them and tell them NOT to post on the Toyota forum b/c they have NO right to b/c their Toyota experience is different from mine and most Toyota owners?! Do you think I would trash them like Jean and Naiomi and many other "support ppl" have done to me???
And an even more rediculous point............. do you think I would insult them b/c I personally didn't like their CHOICE OF COLOR OR FONT SIZE?!?!?!?
Do you all not see how moronic that would be if I did that?! No? I didn't think so! I give up!
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On April 26, 2011 at 9:18 PM Pacific Time, reneekennedy11 wrote:
Maria...You and I have always agreed to disagree:) and we are happy that way! Just remember HUMANS LOVE DRAMA! ( AND FOOD) :) Guess we really need it both! Just hang in there!!!!CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?????

Apparently so! lol. The happy band posts on here get nowhere near the views of one like this! But yet.............most of them bandsters say they want to read the happy stuff! Go figure!
Can't we all just get along????? I'm willing! I won't stop posting about the band, but I don't personally attack the members here unless they have attacked me first. And yes I know..........that's still not right. 2 wrongs don't make a right. But I do refuse to be trashed and not defend myself. I give as good as I get.
But on a more pleasant note.............so glad your having a much more possitive band experience than I have had! :-)
On April 28, 2011 at 5:06 AM Pacific Time, LitlMissSunshine wrote:
but I don't personally attack the members here unless they have attacked me first.now thats the BIGGEST lie ive ever heard... you attacked my post for no reason! remember that? SO, is that your way of saying i attacked you first and I deserved it??
p.s - i PREFER pink!
Well since you claim that I did attack you first, I went back and re-read the thread just to make sure, b/c we can all say things that don't come across the same way from one person to another.
I really don't understand the pourpose of the thread? Why would you want just one side of the story???( The head in the sand thing has just never appealed to me.) If you want to hear from happy bandsters, well of course there are some. However they more than likely won't be playing that same tune in a few yrs. with all the slips/port problems/leaks that seem to be showing up on here every day!
So if you just want happy stories..........yes........you will fiind that. But many of these happy bandsters that are replying now aren't going to be quite so happy in a few yrs.
Your approach seems to be like..............lets research and get Consumer Reports..........................but I wanna take a permanent marker and black out the parts of the report that I don't like. Just doesn't seem like a very effective approach to me?
But anyway................good luck!
After re-reading I am still not seeing how I attacked YOU. I did disagree with you about just wanting to hear the possitives and not the negative, as it's just not conducive to good research, but I still don't see the attack on YOU............just a disagreement about why you would want one-sided research.
I do stand by what I said about how many of these happy bandsters that posted will more than llikely feel very differently in a few yrs. That is apparent to me just from reading certain posts from a yr. ago..............and seeing how some of these ppl have changed their tune since!
Now is u do feel that that was an attack on YOU...........I do appologize that you took it that way. However I saw it more as a disagreement in research stratagies rather than a personal attack.
And as far as the "she started it" thing............correct. 2 wrongs don't make a right. However after all the attacks I have been through on here I am not inclined to just shut up and let ppl trash me.
On April 26, 2011 at 9:46 PM Pacific Time, MARIA F. wrote:
Damn I think I ran out of red ink! ;-)
5.0 cc in a 10cc lapband (four fills) 1 unfill of .5cc on 5/24/2011.
.5 fill March 2012. unfill of .25cc May 2012. Unfill of .5cc June 2014.
Still with my lapband with no plans for revision. Band working well since
last small unfill.
HW: 267lbs- size 22-24 LW:194lbs CW:198lbs Size 14-16
(deactivated member)
on 4/27/11 12:54 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 4/27/11 12:54 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
Well lets see....
Since veenie73 is currently using pink and I am using orange as my signature color. That leaves her with purple,green and yellow. Although yellow IMO is way too hard to see.

Since veenie73 is currently using pink and I am using orange as my signature color. That leaves her with purple,green and yellow. Although yellow IMO is way too hard to see.