OT.... First day back after spring break
Sigh... beep beep beep....alarm clock went off...
....today was the day...spring break over.... up at 530...coffee by 6.... out the door at 630 at work greeting coworkers at 645, getting kids off the buses at 700....
Was a nice morning when in with the attitude that I was gonna smile even brighter at those that didn't smile back..I wasn't gonna let ANYTHING dampen my morning...I mean lets face it I was getting a class of students back that may or may not be ready to focus, that may or may not be on meds that they were suppose to, and well...may or may not even remember what they had learned before break.
Going down the hall most were cheerful and replied brightly to my greeting, rounding the corner..I saw her... a person that never smiles..not a real smile, she isn't really "mean" just never has anything good to say... I smiled at her and asked how her break was... pfft, too short was her only reply. We went to wait for the buses and I was really enjoying the morning air... I mean its like 75degrees, birds are singing, sun is shining....fresh cut grass smell wafers by every now and then.
Okay...this is the bad Swoosh part... I sorta tuned my co worker out at this point....she had started moaning about how many of us were losing our jobs at the end of the year...and how no one was safe and how they just didn't value us.... (okay its true..budget cuts are gonna get alot of us...but I have God on my side and he reminds me I was looking when I found this job, I can look again if He so wills it) Okay so I had tuned her out and tuned into the sounds of the birds around me when the buses arrived....
One by one the kids get off the bus and hug me good morning and yes I hug them back and tell them I love them. The last bus pulls up and Stephen (not his name) gets off the bus GRINNING like he just won the lottery....he comes up to me with his hands behind his back....okay now see here is the thing....
IF you knew Stephen ...well I guess ANY 8 yr old boy...you know not to listen when he says close your eyes and hold out your hands.....and yet for SOME CRAZY reason.... I did just that.....
I hear my co worker grown....."good grief!...." I fear a spider or some less than appealing creature and open my eyes....
Stephen is holding out an offering of a bouquet of dandelions. I smile at Stephen and before I can take the dandelions and thank him, my coworker laughs and says, "she don't want those dandelions boy, throw those weeds down." Now see the thing about Stephen is that well...he really doesn't understand laughter, I mean...it doesn't bother him... and FOR THAT I WAS GRATEFUL....
Stephen looked at her like she was crazy....poked his head toward her and attempted to teach her a thing or two...he said, those aren't dandelions....you blow dandelions in the wind...THESE are sunflowers...SEE...YELLOW (pointing to the flowers heads) like the sun....SUNFLOWERS....Here Mittens, these are for you, and he grinned at me.
I hugged him and told him they were the prettiest sunflowers I had gotten ALL YEAR! (that is true....technically no one has given me any sunflowers ....so sunflower wanna be's are the best ones I got.) I rushed him in the school house and smiled at my coworker, "I love that boy, these are the prettiest flowers I have seen all day. :)
I went in the school and each visitor was directed to the flowers and Stephen bragged how he special picked each one. :) Loved my flowers all day :) my beautiful sunflowers from my very sweet boy. :)
Wonder how many sunflowers...she has missed out on.....sad really.... maybe I pick her some.....
One more thought... taking those flowers...that little gift of love from a small boy.... seeing how happy it made him to make me happy... THATS one of those great teaching moments.
For those taht frown on my not correcting him...I did tell him they were dandilions later, but affirmed he was right...they do look like hte sun, so sunflowers was a good "nickname" for them. We then looked up what real sunflowers look like online. :) What? I took someones hurtful moment and used it to TEACH a CHILD..... OH MY!!!! Woot!!! Go Swoosh!!! :)
No one messes with my kids hearts :)
Just keep swimming,
Swoosh :)
....today was the day...spring break over.... up at 530...coffee by 6.... out the door at 630 at work greeting coworkers at 645, getting kids off the buses at 700....
Was a nice morning when in with the attitude that I was gonna smile even brighter at those that didn't smile back..I wasn't gonna let ANYTHING dampen my morning...I mean lets face it I was getting a class of students back that may or may not be ready to focus, that may or may not be on meds that they were suppose to, and well...may or may not even remember what they had learned before break.
Going down the hall most were cheerful and replied brightly to my greeting, rounding the corner..I saw her... a person that never smiles..not a real smile, she isn't really "mean" just never has anything good to say... I smiled at her and asked how her break was... pfft, too short was her only reply. We went to wait for the buses and I was really enjoying the morning air... I mean its like 75degrees, birds are singing, sun is shining....fresh cut grass smell wafers by every now and then.
Okay...this is the bad Swoosh part... I sorta tuned my co worker out at this point....she had started moaning about how many of us were losing our jobs at the end of the year...and how no one was safe and how they just didn't value us.... (okay its true..budget cuts are gonna get alot of us...but I have God on my side and he reminds me I was looking when I found this job, I can look again if He so wills it) Okay so I had tuned her out and tuned into the sounds of the birds around me when the buses arrived....
One by one the kids get off the bus and hug me good morning and yes I hug them back and tell them I love them. The last bus pulls up and Stephen (not his name) gets off the bus GRINNING like he just won the lottery....he comes up to me with his hands behind his back....okay now see here is the thing....
IF you knew Stephen ...well I guess ANY 8 yr old boy...you know not to listen when he says close your eyes and hold out your hands.....and yet for SOME CRAZY reason.... I did just that.....
I hear my co worker grown....."good grief!...." I fear a spider or some less than appealing creature and open my eyes....
Stephen is holding out an offering of a bouquet of dandelions. I smile at Stephen and before I can take the dandelions and thank him, my coworker laughs and says, "she don't want those dandelions boy, throw those weeds down." Now see the thing about Stephen is that well...he really doesn't understand laughter, I mean...it doesn't bother him... and FOR THAT I WAS GRATEFUL....
Stephen looked at her like she was crazy....poked his head toward her and attempted to teach her a thing or two...he said, those aren't dandelions....you blow dandelions in the wind...THESE are sunflowers...SEE...YELLOW (pointing to the flowers heads) like the sun....SUNFLOWERS....Here Mittens, these are for you, and he grinned at me.
I hugged him and told him they were the prettiest sunflowers I had gotten ALL YEAR! (that is true....technically no one has given me any sunflowers ....so sunflower wanna be's are the best ones I got.) I rushed him in the school house and smiled at my coworker, "I love that boy, these are the prettiest flowers I have seen all day. :)
I went in the school and each visitor was directed to the flowers and Stephen bragged how he special picked each one. :) Loved my flowers all day :) my beautiful sunflowers from my very sweet boy. :)
Wonder how many sunflowers...she has missed out on.....sad really.... maybe I pick her some.....
One more thought... taking those flowers...that little gift of love from a small boy.... seeing how happy it made him to make me happy... THATS one of those great teaching moments.
For those taht frown on my not correcting him...I did tell him they were dandilions later, but affirmed he was right...they do look like hte sun, so sunflowers was a good "nickname" for them. We then looked up what real sunflowers look like online. :) What? I took someones hurtful moment and used it to TEACH a CHILD..... OH MY!!!! Woot!!! Go Swoosh!!! :)
No one messes with my kids hearts :)
Just keep swimming,
Swoosh :)
on 4/25/11 11:50 am
on 4/25/11 11:50 am
What a great story! I go back to my wonderful darlings tomorrow. I will admit I am counting down already to the end of the school year because my surgery is the day after school gets out:)
I wish people like your co-worker would retire and open up jobs for those that want to be there and love the kids!
I wish people like your co-worker would retire and open up jobs for those that want to be there and love the kids!
Thank you for a marvelous story! That teacher reminds me of a group of teachers I saw (and developed a loathing for) in the movie "Waiting for Superman. Have you ever seen it? If not, please do so. It is very informative, and I have to tell you...from your story, I can tell you that I 2 things:
1. I'm ecstatic that she is not my child's teacher;
2. I wish you were!
Have a great rest of the year, and I hope you dodge the budget cuts...we need more teachers like you!
Thank you for a marvelous story! That teacher reminds me of a group of teachers I saw (and developed a loathing for) in the movie "Waiting for Superman. Have you ever seen it? If not, please do so. It is very informative, and I have to tell you...from your story, I can tell you that I 2 things:
1. I'm ecstatic that she is not my child's teacher;
2. I wish you were!
Have a great rest of the year, and I hope you dodge the budget cuts...we need more teachers like you!
(deactivated member)
on 4/25/11 12:32 pm - Des Moines, IA
on 4/25/11 12:32 pm - Des Moines, IA
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, melt my heart! What a great day! Gracie and I worked with the 1st grade students for 2 hours today and we loved every minute of it. Gracie is glad Easter is over with, although she tolerated her bunny ears just fine. I need to think of something for her to wear for the month of May. Maybe a headband with flowers?
Gracie sends you a puppy hug! Swoosh, you are a special person! Love the sunflower story!
Gracie sends you a puppy hug! Swoosh, you are a special person! Love the sunflower story!