Misery LOVES company....
Just remember that !!!! All these negative ,flaming responses by less than a handful of ppl need to be seen for what they are .Just a POINT of view! There is in reality not nearly as many negative points of view here as positive ones so do not let it set the tone for the whole board. There ARE happy lapbanders and successful lapbanders and there will be in the future . (If not ....the darkside will win and ALL of us with lapbands will fail and we will ALL have to have them removed ....but on the upside for us....we can all file a class action lawsuit and live large. ;P )
On April 25, 2011 at 7:21 PM Pacific Time, redbabe08 wrote:
All these negative ,flaming responses by less than a handful of ppl need to be seen for what they arewho are these people? - i mean, a whole dedicated thread to them...i'm sure they'd like some street cred.
On April 25, 2011 at 7:21 PM Pacific Time, redbabe08 wrote:
All these negative ,flaming responses by less than a handful of ppl need to be seen for what they arewho are these people? - i mean, a whole dedicated thread to them...i'm sure they'd like some street cred.
Oh you know how they are on here RB.............."those people" and "some people" and "you know who said".
I never have understood those that don't have the balls to address who their talking about directly? But just how "some people" opperate on here, lol. ;-)
On April 25, 2011 at 7:38 PM Pacific Time, LitlMissSunshine wrote:
It seems like you feel personally connected to everyone's opinion... I bet if i looked up the words "some" and "people" in the dictionary your OH avatar would be there, last time i checked neither of those words defined you Maria... Am i using an outdated dictionary? Smh.~It seems like you feel personally connected to everyone's opinion~
Oh yeah? And who had to jump right in on this????
Go read your "happy" posts dear!
Who you ask...? Me! "Sunshine"
instead of using your experience to give others another perspective, and allow someone to make an informed decision by weighing pros and cons... you just constantly condescend and attack and frankly "dear" i find it to be sad and overly pathetic. Now im off to read my "happy" posts *all smiles*