
First and last visit to the Main Forum

Evelyn M.
on 4/26/11 1:49 am - United Kingdom
Thank you guys for all your responses. I agree, it is important to be aware of the risks and also of experiences that are not so great, but there is a way to do it- this is a new part of my life and I am excited about it and I do not want anybody to ruin it for me. Look at Hislady- what a wonderful way to respond, there is nothing offensive or attacking in this message and nobody feels the need to defend themselves. We are all here for the same reason: We have weight problems. Now can we not all work together and support each other rather than pointing with the finger at each other about how bad our WLS choices are?
Roll on weight loss!
Hermosa L
on 4/26/11 5:06 am
2 years nothing major.. but I did regain 20 pounds because I let loose on not good for me foods.. I have gotten 11 of those 20 pounds back off and I love my band!!