Happy Bandsters?
I am truly happy with my band about 90% of the time. The other 10% is when it won't let me eat what I want!!!!! i have lost about 130 lbs and have never felt so good. I actually have energy to do almost anything, and I now even feel pretty good about how I look ( WITH CLOTHES ON) . I do work with so people that have the band and aren't that happy because they haven't lost much weight at all. Most of them still eat out for lunch daily and don't do ANY form of exercise. The band does still restrict the amount they eat though.
Lol... Thanks, Jean... I just had to state the obvious for our friend Maria.
I completely understand its a tool... As much as I would love to just sit around and watch the lbs just melt away... i know that is completely unrealistic. I want to commit myself to more active lifestyle, better eating habits and fitting into cute/smaller clothes! And with hardwork, dedication and the grace of God i will!
I completely understand its a tool... As much as I would love to just sit around and watch the lbs just melt away... i know that is completely unrealistic. I want to commit myself to more active lifestyle, better eating habits and fitting into cute/smaller clothes! And with hardwork, dedication and the grace of God i will!

I am happy through and through. Check out my blog, my YouTube videos... it's not an easy journey but it's the best one I've ever had!! It saved my life!!

You will - believe in yourself, be stubborn, work hard... don't get sad about setbacks... just do what you have to do!
Happy Bandster here!! But it wasn't easy!! I"m sure the majority of OHers will agree. This **** is hard!! But, nothing ever worth it in the end, is easy right?? :)
I've slimed numerous time
I've PBd
I"ve vomited
I've gotten stuck and have tried EVERYTHING and have had to wait hours until it passed
Why?? Because more often than not, its my own fault. Ate too quickly, took too big of a bite, drank too soon after eating, didnt listen to my "stopping signs" and took that last damn bite!! LOL
My point is this... even 2+ years post op, there are very minor issues that I've experienced and sometimes I still do... but I'd do it all over again in an instant!!!
Because of this band Ive lost 100+ lbs, and have gained my life and my happiness back!
Good luck to you!
I've slimed numerous time
I've PBd
I"ve vomited
I've gotten stuck and have tried EVERYTHING and have had to wait hours until it passed
Why?? Because more often than not, its my own fault. Ate too quickly, took too big of a bite, drank too soon after eating, didnt listen to my "stopping signs" and took that last damn bite!! LOL
My point is this... even 2+ years post op, there are very minor issues that I've experienced and sometimes I still do... but I'd do it all over again in an instant!!!
Because of this band Ive lost 100+ lbs, and have gained my life and my happiness back!
Good luck to you!
On April 25, 2011 at 6:18 PM Pacific Time, LitlMissSunshine wrote:
Thanks 4 ur honest answer 
I have to work out a bit more that I had originally thought, but whatever.. its worth it. I now love the gym...
And there are days I miss certain foods...like - Id give anything to eat a big fat cheeseburger. LOL But there are sacrifices ya make to be healthy, and I'm okay with that.

Take Care!