Are you ashamed?
Most of the time people wanting to know or making remarks are those that should be considering getting one....
I still can't figure out why people don't go for surgery to become healthier and to be able to move....I guess people come out of denial in different ways and some never do at all...

The surgery didn't change my is still a work in prcgress. I am strong and confident in my decision. I am determined to succeed. But I'm still not 100%, without-out-a-doubt certain, that I will succeed. And I'm just no longer willing to "fail" in front of everyone.
Perhaps my unwillingness to share may actually hinder my ability to succeed...I don't know...I just feel like I have to protect my emotional self...just in case. Does that make sense?
"You had weight loss surgery?"
But what I hear is:
"You had weight loss surgery?"
"Your still kind of, well, you know..."
" Yeah."
"Sure you didn't get the weight FINDING surgery?"
My internal dialogue goes downhile from there.
I first told everyone at work that I was having surgery because the folks in my department will send the flowers to your funeral if they even suspect that you are some kind of sick and also with the amount of food going on around here. All of my co-workers have been supportive of my decision and after I came back to work, have still been supportive. My family was a little apprehensive but once I let them know that I am doing this with or without your consent because for real I dont need your permission, they came around and have come to terms with it. Because I live my life as pretty much an open book (you will never, ever not know where I stand on anything) I dont care what people think of my decisions especially when it comes to my health which was getting worse by the month before my surgery.
The biggest irritant for me though is the questioning of why I got the surgery that I did (VSG). As I told everyone who raised this question to me, what type of surgery is a personal one and there is no right or wrong surgery, you have to go what is best for you.
Ashamed, me, never!

I see your pounds are coming off...GREAT! Go you! Go you!
I thought you were gonna call me? I haven't heard from you. I'll be busy this evening and tomorrow evening, but call me on Friday so we can get the thing poppin'...ok?
Von a.k.a.
I was ashame of not sitting in a chair comfortably... gone
I was ashame of not being able to keep up with a crowd... gone
I was ashame to have my husband tie my shoes...gone
I was ashame of buying strechy pants... gone
I could go on forever.... do I have some shame left, yes, but I am a work in progress and I have no shame in saying it!!