OT: Raise your hand for Planned Parenthood
Personally, I believe abortions SHOULD be legal. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with government spending money on so damn much when we are 14 TRILLION in debt already! This is not sustainable! I would like to have a country that is at least recognizeable to the one I grew up in, to hand over to my son and future grandkids.
People got a long just fine 100 years ago without all of the handouts for the government. There were community groups, churches and caring neighbors that took care of each other, for the most part.
People got a long just fine 100 years ago without all of the handouts for the government. There were community groups, churches and caring neighbors that took care of each other, for the most part.
I respect your opinion, but I wanted to mention since I am strongly pro-life. Yes, there are a lot of us that feel like that. I am against my tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood because of abortions. I have a lot of friends that feel the same way. As a child I was not wanted and I have way to much biology to believe that this isnt a baby (after about 15 days). I cant help seeing these as real babies and feeling that they really matter. For me this is personal. If planned parenthood does a few nice things, but they facilitate the death of unwanted children- I do not want to pay for it.
"I am against my tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood because of abortions."
There is already a law that states that you cannot pay for abortions with government money ! The government only pays for services like pap smears, mammograms,safe sex ed.,etc NOT ABORTIONS.Your tax dollars DO NOT pay for abortions!
Planned Parenthood does not do anything that your privately ran OBGYN does not do. Since abortion is legal in this country it is a service routinely offered in that field of healthcare. If it offends you you should call before your next yearly exam and check b/c just like at Planned Parenthood even your OBGYN will offer that service to you for a fee!
There is already a law that states that you cannot pay for abortions with government money ! The government only pays for services like pap smears, mammograms,safe sex ed.,etc NOT ABORTIONS.Your tax dollars DO NOT pay for abortions!
Planned Parenthood does not do anything that your privately ran OBGYN does not do. Since abortion is legal in this country it is a service routinely offered in that field of healthcare. If it offends you you should call before your next yearly exam and check b/c just like at Planned Parenthood even your OBGYN will offer that service to you for a fee!
I was aware of the law. The money will go to support services (human resources, accounting etc) that will indirectly help abortions. If not - why not do what most businesses do and make a seperate division? Respectfully, I understand business, and I don't agree. I did not say I was offended, I am deeply saddened. Yes, I am aware of what services my OBGYN offers.
BETTE!!! MY HAND IS UP (I will sign petition when I get home..work computer is wonky)
And Melly, while I do agree that many businesses out there need to stand on their own, I do not think this is the one that should be an example. This organization helps people who may have no other option. Some of the women have no insurance, some are lacking in basic education... If there is no place for them to go to get help, you will see a rise in pregnancy, STD, HIV...
If one girl can learn the benefit of getting tested or using condoms, or has a place to go to find out their options, then I say it is worth it.
Let them bar money from the big businesses that are getting it.... better place to start
And Melly, while I do agree that many businesses out there need to stand on their own, I do not think this is the one that should be an example. This organization helps people who may have no other option. Some of the women have no insurance, some are lacking in basic education... If there is no place for them to go to get help, you will see a rise in pregnancy, STD, HIV...
If one girl can learn the benefit of getting tested or using condoms, or has a place to go to find out their options, then I say it is worth it.
Let them bar money from the big businesses that are getting it.... better place to start
I won't be able to sign until I get home, either, but consider my hand raised!!!
Though many credible news sources have thoroughly debunked the LIE that over 90% of Planned Parenthood’s services are abortion-related, I am also adding this small list of services so that people might get a glance into some of what Planned Parenthood actually does with 97% of it’s funding. Maybe it will help someone who has, historically, been getting all their (mis)information from sources with anti-woman interests.
1. Pap Smears: Can't afford a cervical cancer screening? Planned Parenthood has your back.
2. Pregnancy Testing and Services: The organization helps women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant get prenatal care.
3. Diabetes Screening: Depending on location, you can get general health care services like diabetes screening, flu vaccines, or anemia testing at Planned Parenthood.
4. Breast Cancer Screening: The organization provides valuable breast exams and helps women find services they might need.
5. STD Testing, Treatment, and Prevention: Planned Parenthood provides free condoms, HPV vaccines, and STD testing and treatment.
6. Male Infertility Screening and Referral: The organization offers a variety of male sexual health services, like infertility screening, testicular cancer screening, and erectile dysfunction services. Are the congressmen aware of this?
7. Menopause Help: It might not make headlines like abortion services, but Planned Parenthood's health centers offer midlife services to help women deal with menopause.