Sanatogen Protein powder
Just looked it up:
Casein (from Latin caseus "cheese") is the most predominantphosphoprotein found in milk and cheese. When coagulated withrennet, casein is sometimes called paracasein. British terminology, on the other hand, uses the term caseinogen for the uncoagulated protein and casein for the coagulated protein. As it exists in milk, it is a salt of calcium.
Casein (from Latin caseus "cheese") is the most predominantphosphoprotein found in milk and cheese. When coagulated withrennet, casein is sometimes called paracasein. British terminology, on the other hand, uses the term caseinogen for the uncoagulated protein and casein for the coagulated protein. As it exists in milk, it is a salt of calcium.
Casein is not coagulated by heat.