The 20 lbs that loves me so much.....
Okay!!! I have this last 20 lbs that I just can't shake. I really think these pounds are obsessed with me and are stocking me. It’s like a fetal attraction. I have nightmare of these pounds showing up at my house and killing my rabbit it has gotten so bad. I have been trying to lose these last 20 lbs for over a year now and they just won’t go away. I workout 5 days a week and for the most part eat a healthy diet. Even my trainer is at a lost about this plateau I’m at. My body shape and size has continued to change but as for my weight I have lost a WHOLE ½ pound in the last 3 months. And when I go to the doctor all the things he tells me to do I have already done. I just don’t understand why these pounds love me so much and won’t leave. Has anyone else had this problem and if so how did you break through?
If you have continued to work out and with a trainer and have increased the intensity of the workouts....after more than a year I would say some of that 20 lbs is now muscle. I am wondering if you have less than 20 lbs to lose. If you had a BMI reading done ( a real BMI test where they dunk you in water) I am sure you have a low body fat ratio. Have you continued to go down in clothes size?
This is something I'm reading.. how to lose the last 30 lbs. I don't know if it will help, but it sure can't hurt to read it. print2.pdf