

on 4/6/11 5:55 am - NJ
So I am chickening out of the bypass surgery because of fear of long term health issues ie bowel obstruction and whatevedr else may occur...So now I am reconsidering the lapband...PROBLEM: after skimming thru the lapband forum I'm seeing people write things like "I cant eat ice cream" "r.i.p. pizza and burgers" and my favorite "NO WINE or SODA" WHAT THE HECK???...are you telling me that I cant even have these things in moderation? say it aint so...I like to drink beveragres of the adult kind! I also on occasion like a little ice cream or cold water and maybe a burger (turkey or beef) at a cookout..and me and hubby go have a slice of pizza once in a blue...but a straight out NO..NEVER EVER AGAIN...scares me...I like to be in control of what I can and cant have and I thought the band would just make sure I didn't overdue it not obliterate my favorite treats altogether...F it maybe I will just stay fat...at 244 I guess I can live with it....although I did want to lose the weight at least 75 lbs...oh brother now what do I do? I'm so confused...Please help if you have any input that can rest my mind at ease! thanks in advance Faaatygirl


Stephanie M.
on 4/6/11 6:00 am
It is unusual to not be able to eat ice cream, in fact it is one of the easiest ways to "cheat"...that said, band patients can and do eat a variety of foods and beverages...including the things mentioned in those posts...I eat pizza once in a while and we grill all the time...I don't eat breads, rice and most pastas...
I don't miss those things more than I don't miss the 68 lbs I have lost.  It's worth it.  It does take a lot of work on our part, banding is not a passive WLS.
Good luck to you!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 4/6/11 6:31 am - NJ
I appreciate that...I was beginning to think I would'nt have any enjoyment at all...I like to eat and I have an emotional attatchment to food in alot of ways...I really need to lose this weight and I knew it wouldnt be easy or a quick fix but the restrictions were spinning me into an anxiety attack over here...I read these posts for enlightenment and I apreciate the input but sometimes they're scary...I am willing to put in the work just dont want to be completely miserable in doiing so...something to think about I guess...I need to speak to my doc...thanks


on 4/6/11 6:19 am - TX
The band works differently for different people.

Some like to keep their band so tight that it keeps them from eating certain foods.

Some like to keep their bands on the looser side so that they are mainly in control of what they eat and the band is there as mainly a reminder to not overdo.

I prefer to run with my band slightly loose.  Tight enough that I can't over eat, but loose enough that I can eat most foods.

Like Steph, I don't try to eat bread anymore.. unless it's really crisp.  I was at a lunch today where pimento cheese sandwiches were served on gummy white bread.  I might have been able to eat them, but I didn't want to try.  I opened the sandwhich and ate the cheese out of the middle with a spoon.  No biggie.

Ice cream is really weird to get stuck on.  I've never heard of that.  Maybe they were avoiding it because they can't control their consumption?

I'd suggest talking to the surgeon you're thinking of having place the band and see what is their approach to band maintenance.  Do they believe in the band taking control or of the patient having control and the band as a helping device.  That will make a difference on how you will do with the band.

Best of luck to you.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

on 4/7/11 7:17 am - NJ
I'm with you I want it on the looser side as a reminder as well...Just want to make sure I don't overeat which is what I do if AI really like something...there were two people stating that even plain ice crem came back up also ice cold drinks...that puzzled me...thaqnks for the reply.


on 4/6/11 8:08 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
I eat whatever I want, in moderation. In the beginning I stayed pretty strict with myself because I needed to be in order to begin to retrain myself. Pizza crust would not have gone down but I did eat some toppings. Now even the crust will go down. The trick for me, it seems, is to convince myself that these treats can remain a part of my life but must be held for special occasions, not as a part of my normal daily food plan.

The band is not for everyone. You would do well to thoroughly research all the wls and decide what you can live with, both good and bad. I love my band (well, most of the time) but some have problems. I have read comments from OH members that have disatisfaction with each of the proceedures, so there is no perfect surgery. All have risks and possible complications. Ask your surgeon about what they experience in their practice. Look at studies and determine the percentage of severe, life threatening problems, then the percentage of less severe complications. Lumping them together will not give you a true picture. In addition, know what to expect and what not to expect from your tool and use it to it's max.

Good luck, Sue


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 4/7/11 7:20 am - NJ
GREAT ADVICE!!!,,,,Thanks Sue


on 4/6/11 8:19 am - China Grove, NC
The band can be pretty fickle .Some ppl can eat some things and others cannot. I would talk to your surgeon about your concerns and eating habits and see what he thinks .There is always the sleeve if you do not like the sound of the band. It is a really big commitment and takes work on your part and good aftercare. It is not for everyone though as no one WLS works for everyone. We all have different issues and needs.
You will be told to give up any carbonation from now on . There are alot of us that find breads,dough,pasta,rice and even some denser ,drier meats not compatable post band. It is a learning curve though. Not all things apply to all ppl but you should be willing to give those things up if you should have to if you go w/ the band. The ice cream may not work because it is so cold and cold tends to make you a little tighter. I had SF,FF ice cream this weekend though with no issues :) As for alcohol some Dr's allow it others do not. My NUT gave me the ok but told me to make sure I counted the calories in the alcohol and mixers ,no carbonation, and watch out for mindless eating. I frequently enjoy an adult beverage or two.
Don't make your decision based only on things you read on here but based on the info your Dr gives you and the talk you two have about it and most of all go with your gut feelings!

on 4/7/11 7:25 am - NJ
Thanks that helps alot!...Im not a big bread eater so no problem with that...rice ugh cant stand it but I do love potatoes and spaghetti...I sure hope I dont have a problem with spaghetti that would be the worse...lol--ok so cold can make the band feel tight...I dont eat much ice cream but once in a while I like french vanilla or ice pops...hmmm---this is good info!


on 4/6/11 9:09 am
I haven't given up any of my foods since I got the band I still eat all the same foods I ate before I got the band but I eat them in moderation now and how often I eat them foods.

I eat pizza one or two small slices fill me up now , I still eat McDonald's just had that today in fact.  I had a grilled chicken sandwich without the bread my choice and about 6 of my hubby's fries.

This is how I look at my band and this is just me though nobody else.  I did not get the band to give up  my foods that I loved.  I got the band to help me with portion control, to help me to slow down when I eat and learn to eat my favorite foods in moderation and how often to eat them foods.  I will never ever keep my band to the point that I cant eat this or that , or I cant eat breakfast that just isnt me , and I dont want to be like that .  Maybe I look at this different but I needed help with portion control and that is what the band is doing for me teaching me portion control :o)

That is exactly what I do.  I eat pizza, I eat chips , I eat bread , I eat rice but I eat all them foods in moderation.  I keep my carbs around 50-70 per day because of the amount of exercise I do a week.

The breads, the pizza that isn't what got me fat, what got me fat was sitting down and eating a half of a large pizza like a little piggy not eating the pizza in a normal way like one or two slices that is what got me fat.

That is one thing I do not drink is soda that is bad for you anyways. There is way to much sugar and liquid calories in it .  I drin**** tea instead or G2 as a treat but soda noway I dont touch it and I dont miss it to be honest.

I'm not much of a drinker but this summer when I'm camping I will drink some wine or heck even do some SF jello shots but it will be done in moderation . Like I said though I'm not much of a drinker so I can take it or leave it .

I eat healthy probably a good 90% of the time but I have my days that I overload on the carbs , or I might eat all the wrong foods one day oops poop happens lol it wont be the first time and it sure as heck wont be the last time that happens.

Do I feel guilty nope I do not  I just do some extra Zumba the following day and chug more water, and cut  my carbs down a little more and I'm just fine .

Maybe because how I'm doing it , I might lose weight a little slower but that is fine with me I didn't put this weight on a yr and I dont expect to take it off in a yr either.  .

I have lost 46 pounds and 28 inches in a a little over four months , have dropped down a size in clothing in shirts and pants and you know what this has been done without a single fill !!!! My band is empty as the day he put it me there is nothing in it.  Im 2 pounds now from hitting the 200's and out of the 300's , and Im 3 pounds from hitting 50 pounds lost :o) 

A vet on here told me the day I was looking into this surgery its all about moderation not deprivation and I live by that rule 100% of the time :o) 

good luck in your decision :o) 
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11
