Can you remove and revise at the same time?
I have not been particular successful with the lap band nor am I real crazy about it. I puke a lot . get stuck alot and then other times i can eat way too much ( probably becasue I tend to eat too much of the wrong things that go down easier). Have had my band 2-1/2 years. Only lost 45# to begin with, played with 10# for over a year. then last Xmas we had a very traumatic thing happen in our family along with being under dosed on my thyroid meds and BOOM! gained back 25# in the last three months! I am not happy. If i am going to continue to be fat i woudl at least like to be able to enjoy eating but can't even do that with this darn band. I have found a wonderful new Dr and she did an upper GI last week - i go to see her next week to discuss results and my situation. I hope she will be able to come up with some good steps for me to take to be more successful with this whole thing - she said i might have a slip. When I start to eat i burp so constantly I won't even eat with friends anymore - too embaressedf BUT - if I do need my band removed, is it possible to revise to something else in the same procedure? I wish now I had gotten either the sleeve or a bypass- the band just does not meet my expectations. But I know if I have nothing I will probably end up bigger than ever. And I really don't want to go through 2 more surgeries . Just wondered if that is possible?
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/11 6:54 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 4/6/11 6:54 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
It is possible as long as your surgeon feels it is safe to proceed. Many people have it done, in fact that is what I am hoping to have done just as soon as I change to our new ins. Don't be a moron like I was and revise back to the band.

Revision on 08/21/12
I am so sorry you have had problems with your band not agreeing with you. Until you get that removal and revision, should that be what you do, please ask your surgeon to take a little fluid out of this band. It sounds as if you are a little too tight. It won't help you with sliders, nothing really does, but it will help with getting stuck so often. That is, if you don't have a slip.
Good luck, Sue
Good luck, Sue
It's the optimal time to revise, if it's safe to do so. There are no guarantees, I suppose. If your doctor sees a reason to NOT proceed while taking the band out, you would have to wait until whatever damage you have healed. (I'm over 6 years from band removal and am just starting to look into revision because I had too much damage to my stomach, esophagus and especially diaphragm.)
But, if you need to get the band out, make sure you talk to your doc about a revision. Get all the paperwork done and all that happy crappy. You're smart to lessen the number of surgeries you have! Too many surgeries = adhesions. Bleah.
Good luck to you. I hope it all works out well.
But, if you need to get the band out, make sure you talk to your doc about a revision. Get all the paperwork done and all that happy crappy. You're smart to lessen the number of surgeries you have! Too many surgeries = adhesions. Bleah.
Good luck to you. I hope it all works out well.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
On April 6, 2011 at 1:44 PM Pacific Time, Linda A. wrote:
I have not been particular successful with the lap band nor am I real crazy about it. I puke a lot . get stuck alot and then other times i can eat way too much ( probably becasue I tend to eat too much of the wrong things that go down easier). Have had my band 2-1/2 years. Only lost 45# to begin with, played with 10# for over a year. then last Xmas we had a very traumatic thing happen in our family along with being under dosed on my thyroid meds and BOOM! gained back 25# in the last three months! I am not happy. If i am going to continue to be fat i woudl at least like to be able to enjoy eating but can't even do that with this darn band. I have found a wonderful new Dr and she did an upper GI last week - i go to see her next week to discuss results and my situation. I hope she will be able to come up with some good steps for me to take to be more successful with this whole thing - she said i might have a slip. When I start to eat i burp so constantly I won't even eat with friends anymore - too embaressedf BUT - if I do need my band removed, is it possible to revise to something else in the same procedure? I wish now I had gotten either the sleeve or a bypass- the band just does not meet my expectations. But I know if I have nothing I will probably end up bigger than ever. And I really don't want to go through 2 more surgeries . Just wondered if that is possible? Most of the time they are revised in one surgery.
I am looking to revise to the sleeve after all I've been through with this.
I feel for you.
I had my surgery Nov. 3/06 and have had very little success. I am having a revision this June when school is out. My doctor is taking the band off then he will do the RNY. He said I am a perfect candidate. Talk with your doc. Believe me I thought I was a failure too..........but I'm not and neither are you!! Hang in there!! -Holly (Sunny Florida)