Cold Brewed Coffee Recipe
It's warming up and almost time for iced coffee season to begin! For you IC fans, here's a really easy recipe to make a concentrate you can keep in your fridge.
Whatever method you choose, just use about a pound of coarse-ground coffee for every 10 cups of water. Let the grounds steep for 12 hours, then strain. Once you have the coffee concentrate, you pour out exactly how much you want, when you want, adding water or milk to dilute.
Classic Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee
This concentrate will last up to two weeks in the refrigerator.
1 pound coffee, coarsely ground
2 1/2 quarts water
Place coffee and water in a pitcher or other non-reactive vessel. Stir to make sure all the grounds are wet. Let steep at room temperature for 12 hours. Line a fine-mesh sieve with a paper coffee filter or folded-over cheesecloth (or a fine-mesh strainer will work, too). Strain coffee by pouring through filter into a pitcher or other glass container. Cover and refrigerate up to 2 weeks.
Makes 4 to 5 cups coffee concentrate, enough for 10 cups of iced coffee
To serve: Unless you're a serious caffeine junkie, you'll want to dilute the concentrate with water or milk. I like a 1:1 ratio of coffee to water, which yields a pretty strong cup. Add more or less depending on your taste, and serve over ice.