Repost: Why I Chose the Band
I knew I was ready for WLS.
I was in my 40s and headed for congestive heart failure. I had more medical issues/comorbidities than I could count. I was 376 pounds with a BMI of 54, taking 7 meds a day for those issues. I could barely walk due to severe edema in my legs and feet. I looked at my options. I knew what I wanted and what I DIDN'T want in a WLS procedure.
Based on MY needs, the band was the right choice. Based on YOUR needs and hopes, perhaps not. But it was right for ME. And it worked beyond my wildest expectations.

I know that "surgery wars" claim to be meant to inform preops of all their choices, and that is both intelligent and admirable. But when they degrade into name calling and insults, it serves no purpose but to make some people feel inferior, which we as obese people have really had enough of in our lives. And let's be honest here - when someone goes onto individual surgical forums with the sole purpose of "stirring the hornet's nest", it's not about information, it's about degradation and intimidation. Frankly, it's also egomaniacal and somewhat pathetic, but that's a discussion for another day.
The band may not be the "gold" or "platinum" standard in WLS, but right now it is the ONLY option available to people who do NOT want their gastrointestinal tract altered, cut, dissected, resected, shortened, removed, edited (whatever). The ONLY one, and that is a big, BIG dealbreaker for a LOT of people.
Prior to my surgery, I had decade-long digestive issues (which were, go figure! resolved after I had the band.) The last thing I wanted was any surgery what might exacerbate that, especially permanently. So RNY, sleeve and DS were all off the list.
Does that make me ill informed, less intelligent, a puppet to my surgeon's whims, lacking in reading comprehension? No. It makes me the OPPOSITE. It makes me someone who has clearly made the right decision about MY life, MY body and MY weight loss. And considering that I lost over 200 pounds - more than some people who have opted for the more extensive, more aggressive surgeries - I've proven that people CAN be successful with the band!
Informing preops of all their options is a great idea. It's HOW that idea is presented that is insulting. People who HAVE weighed their options - ALL of them - and made their decision should not be made to feel stupid because they chose a surgery that is not the one someone else approves of. As I said, we've all had a life full of put-downs, and the last thing any of us needs is to experience MORE of it, especially at the hands of those who should know better.
I was in my 40s and headed for congestive heart failure. I had more medical issues/comorbidities than I could count. I was 376 pounds with a BMI of 54, taking 7 meds a day for those issues. I could barely walk due to severe edema in my legs and feet. I looked at my options. I knew what I wanted and what I DIDN'T want in a WLS procedure.
Based on MY needs, the band was the right choice. Based on YOUR needs and hopes, perhaps not. But it was right for ME. And it worked beyond my wildest expectations.

I know that "surgery wars" claim to be meant to inform preops of all their choices, and that is both intelligent and admirable. But when they degrade into name calling and insults, it serves no purpose but to make some people feel inferior, which we as obese people have really had enough of in our lives. And let's be honest here - when someone goes onto individual surgical forums with the sole purpose of "stirring the hornet's nest", it's not about information, it's about degradation and intimidation. Frankly, it's also egomaniacal and somewhat pathetic, but that's a discussion for another day.
The band may not be the "gold" or "platinum" standard in WLS, but right now it is the ONLY option available to people who do NOT want their gastrointestinal tract altered, cut, dissected, resected, shortened, removed, edited (whatever). The ONLY one, and that is a big, BIG dealbreaker for a LOT of people.
Prior to my surgery, I had decade-long digestive issues (which were, go figure! resolved after I had the band.) The last thing I wanted was any surgery what might exacerbate that, especially permanently. So RNY, sleeve and DS were all off the list.
Does that make me ill informed, less intelligent, a puppet to my surgeon's whims, lacking in reading comprehension? No. It makes me the OPPOSITE. It makes me someone who has clearly made the right decision about MY life, MY body and MY weight loss. And considering that I lost over 200 pounds - more than some people who have opted for the more extensive, more aggressive surgeries - I've proven that people CAN be successful with the band!
Informing preops of all their options is a great idea. It's HOW that idea is presented that is insulting. People who HAVE weighed their options - ALL of them - and made their decision should not be made to feel stupid because they chose a surgery that is not the one someone else approves of. As I said, we've all had a life full of put-downs, and the last thing any of us needs is to experience MORE of it, especially at the hands of those who should know better.
Hi, Bette, like you I did lots of research and like you, I understood what I read!
I read a lot about RNY and the band but confess not so much about DS and VSG but 6 years ago, they were much less well known. If I had know more about them (as I do now), I would still have gone for the band (see below).
ALL wls has good and bad points. What works for one person does not work for another.
I had surgery knowing that:
I might lose slowly
I would have to take control of my eating
I would have to work hard
As an implant, my band might not be with me for life
But for me it was the only choice as for me, malbsorption was undesirable as was losing or re-rotuing parts of my anatomy. Fine for those who want that - but not for me!
I applaud all of us for having the courage to take charge of our lives by making the decision to have wls. Most wls patients seem to feel the same - we are all in this together! And the majority of those with the band, the sleeve, DS and RNY are OK with that!
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
very well said Bette !!! I love my band . I might just be three months out but in them three months Im starting to chose this food over that food, not to eat when my head is telling me to eat, I still eat all my favorite foods but now Im learning I can sit down and eat two small slices of pizza instead of 8 slices .
The band is doing exactly what I needed to do for me, teach me how to eat, to slow down, to pick proper foods to eat and its worth every penny I spent on it.
I might have problems next month or yrs down the line I know that , I knew that going into this process but Im not going to sit here and dwell about what if and what could happen . I will deal with that situation when it comes along. Till then Im going to lose my 8 pounds every four weeks and get my ass into a Victoria Secert Teddy for my hubby one of these days
Plus getting the band made me smoke free . Today is my 5 month anniversary of being smoke free !!!!
The band is doing exactly what I needed to do for me, teach me how to eat, to slow down, to pick proper foods to eat and its worth every penny I spent on it.
I might have problems next month or yrs down the line I know that , I knew that going into this process but Im not going to sit here and dwell about what if and what could happen . I will deal with that situation when it comes along. Till then Im going to lose my 8 pounds every four weeks and get my ass into a Victoria Secert Teddy for my hubby one of these days

Plus getting the band made me smoke free . Today is my 5 month anniversary of being smoke free !!!!

Congratulations! I am having a hard time dealing with weight (preop) I can't imagine how hard that would be to give up smoking too. There are a few of you on here who have given up smoking along with battling weight, you have my admiration for that. Both tough battles alone, but you beat them both together. Awesome job!
On March 9, 2011 at 1:52 PM Pacific Time, confusedturtle wrote:
Congratulations! I am having a hard time dealing with weight (preop) I can't imagine how hard that would be to give up smoking too. There are a few of you on here who have given up smoking along with battling weight, you have my admiration for that. Both tough battles alone, but you beat them both together. Awesome job!~~I am having a hard time dealing with weight (preop)~~
Whoaaaaaaaa, wait a minute!
You were very explicit to me when you wrote that you are NOT one of us in the group that if we can eat, we do eat. You told me you don't have that issue. You also chastised me for having a revision done at goal by telling me I just need to be accountable for my food. If I was supposed to do that, why aren't YOU doing that?
Previously Midwesterngirl
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
Adjustable Gastric Band on 06/07/11