Is Aretha Franklin for real?????
OK-let me just state that Aretha Franklin is my absolute favorite singer.
1. Aretha Franklin
2. Natolie Cole
3. Pattie LaBelle
I am relatively young but have always loved her. I was so disappointed to hear her explaination for her 85 lb. weight loss in 4 months. She allegidly decided to eat healthier and started walking the track. If you watched the Grammy's you saw her transformation. I don't have as much to lose as she has and I am not as old as she is---why can't I get her resolve and lose 85 lbs. in 4 months? Why does this smell like Star Jones-she told a similar lie? I am disappointed, I would have had more respect if she had came clean. There are many people her age, race and size who think they have no options. She could have been an inspiration to them. Instead for whatever reason she chooses to put on this facade. Maybe she is telling truth, I hope so. I wish her well and hope she keeps on with her "Natural Woman Self."
When you have personal trainers, personal chefs making your healthy good meals I can see it being done.
Not everybody has to have WLS to lose weight . If I had a personal trainer and worked out like the peopel on the Biggest loser does and personal chef I wouldnt have gotten WLS done either .
If I was rich that is what I would have done , I would have done that first before I got WLS done in heartbeat !!
It is possible...........but NOT probable! Especially at her age.
It annoys me when celebs deny having WLS. Actually several ppl on OH have been very secretive about it also! For some reason, some ppl are ashamed of having WLS. Now they wouldn't be ashamed of having a hernia repain..........or a pacemaker...........but they want to deny that they had WLS. Go figure!
It is possible...........but NOT probable! Especially at her age.
It annoys me when celebs deny having WLS. Actually several ppl on OH have been very secretive about it also! For some reason, some ppl are ashamed of having WLS. Now they wouldn't be ashamed of having a hernia repain..........or a pacemaker...........but they want to deny that they had WLS. Go figure!
Well Maria, they don't talk about their pap smears either. Some people just like to keep personal medical info... personal!
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:

As far as the weight loss army if u had her money....................well that reminds me of Ophra. With all her billions............she's still fat. Personal trainer, personal chef, n still fat. Also Ophra seems very anti-WLS, which I don't understand?
As far as how you will feel after surgery..............everyone is different. I will say that as bad as my lap band experience has been............the first 2 wks. after the band was awesome! I had NO appetite b/c of the swelling! After 2 kind of all went down hill from there. :-(
Hope u have MUCH better luck!!!
I referenced Oprah and erased it. Didn't want to start anymore drama. That is another reason why I feel it was WLS. Oprah with her BILLIONS never lost weight that quickly and if it were possible you know she would have done it. Have you seen her lately? She looked good on Oscar night and looked about 20 lbs. heavier the next day on her Oscar follow up show. I think she has a girdle made of titanium for special occasions. :-) I appreciate your well wishes especially considering your experience, that is very gracious of you. I am hoping for the best. Which band did you get? On thursday when I spoke with my doctor he showed me the actual band that I will get. I was pressuring him about getting my first fill a month after surgery. He showed me the band and advised that I may never need a fill. It does look really small. I am getting the Realize band and I see others that have posted that they have never gotten a fill. Are you planning on revising? Do you not feel any restriction at all? I see you recently got fill #16,do you feel anything? I hope 16 is the charm for you.
That is why I tried to explain to you previously that it really doesn't matter if u just need a little help. Sometimes the band just does NOT work! :-( Regardless of how much effort you put into it or how many band rules you follow.
How your experience is quite the opposite of mine though.
on 3/5/11 11:06 am
They fixed a hiatal hernia and placed my band and I was on my way home by 10:30. I got home and slept for about an hour --then, up and down all day -- walking and then resting -- trying to sip water and Isopure clear liquid protein.
I took Liquid Extra Strength tylenol (took me about 30 minutes to drink down 2 tablespoons) -- and no other pain meds.
By the next afternoon, I was up, showered, dressed and driving myself to the Library and grocery store.
I really had no appetite at all for about 4 days -- it was a struggle to get enough protein and fluid -- I just sipped as I could.
By about 5 days post-op, I was ready for Cream of Mushroom soup -- wahoo -- but did not crave anything. It helped that my husband fixed his own food, probably.
I was energized after surgery ---- knowing that I had done the hardest part and that the tool was in me now, and all I had to do was 'work it' ---- just eat and drink like a "Bandster"
1. no liquid calories (except for skim milk)
2. protein, protein, protein
3. "Just because I can eat something, doesn't mean I should eat it'
4. no drinking for 60 minutes after food (even if the 'food' was soup --- I was teaching myself the difference between 'eating' and 'drinking')
With those 4 basic rules, and my band, I went from 284 - 153 pounds in 18 months.