I had my lapband done this past Thursday and today is the first day that I feel like I could get out of bed without my hubby helping me out of it. I even got dressed bra and everything...... hubby thinks that I should take more time before I start moving around and cooking the food since that is where I gained all my weight tasting all the foods as they cook, but I think that its time for me to face the fact I can cook my boys food without tasting it all the time.
I is SO hard to not taste-as-you-cook. It happens just out of habit, you know? Naturally, when we cook we want to make sure it tastes okay, right? Trust me, it gets easier over time. :)
On another note, glad to hear you are up and around. Be sure to take it easy and allow time to effectively heal. Welcome to the loser's bench, Sandra!
On another note, glad to hear you are up and around. Be sure to take it easy and allow time to effectively heal. Welcome to the loser's bench, Sandra!